Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fix romantic stimulus package - modern dating is broken, you can it with a classic pursuit of love?

Modern dating is broken because we have moved away from the traditional and natural history of the romance. Learn the classic quest for love, sustainable chemistry in happy relationships of America's favorite Rabbi and relationship expert as your romantic guide spark.

What is the best way to sustainable chemistry in a dating relationship sparks?

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, bestselling author of 20 books about relationships inspired, explained in an interview by the President of JDate, process a leading online dating services the ideal dating. Rabbi Shmuley advice religious boundaries and touches the hearts of singles find lasting love in happy relationships. I have now combined his classical dating process for you:

Rabbi Shmuley says that the classic dating best works if a man a relationship in a masculine way through flirt, pickup lines, set process starts, the pace and progress of romanticism.

History of the relationship men become traditionally romantic and intimate. Is this natural development of male to female qualities from both partners, which helps a couple a care to create at home in a lasting relationship. Our modern dating is the source of difficult relations.

What is going on with our modern dating?

Rabbi Shmuley says that we have reversed this natural progression. It is the masculine meaning that women hunt men these days now the feminine progress. He says women encounter, so a bit desperate and very lonely.

If you go almost any American University campus, you'll notice, is the women to hunt the men for sex. It is the men who the pick of the litter. The result is that the women hunting for the men, which means that the men get bored. There is no tension of the hunt and there is no excitement. It is the wrong order of things.

How can we correct operation the modern dating?

Rabbi Shmuley suggests that we the dating process, this works. This process is known as a courtly love,
by Eleanor of Aquitaine (mother of Richard the Lionheart) invented in the courts of Provence in the twelfth century.

What are the principles of courtly love?

-A woman sees himself as a bit of a price.
It believes in their feminine gift and feminine charm.
It begins trust to a man, after he proves to her.
It opens herself to him physically only, after it ennobles himself on their behalf.
-A woman gentleman expected actions of a man.

What is action gentleman?

Born a man pays for the date - whether it is for Starbucks or a 4-star restaurant, a man from is not on a woman, to go Dutch, because pay their way endeavor it is to show his appreciation.

Born a man used his best manners on a date - he silence his phone and waived from his BlackBerry to see if he is on a date. He behaves with the same courtesy and manners, as if he were a job interviews. He works a woman to win and respect to heart.

Born a man pushes healthy self-confidence and a great sense of humor and excitement with his date.

A man will not expect that to have, until he generates emotional intimacy and her heart has conquered a woman sex.

How shall a man behavior gentleman a modern woman dating behavior change?

Scientists tell us that a currently thought sex by three American women on the first day have, they owe their dinner a man something to buy. To say no or to make clear the sex will not happen is not manipulative. Is sex with a guy you barely know.

Rabbi Shmuley advises women this dating strategies are:

** Spend so much time reading a newspaper as a stand before the mirror preparation on a date.
Be no longer available, in a deliberate, manipulative manner. But to honor a woman, the natural instincts to trust after they have proved trustworthy men.
• You have a clear idea of what you ultimately want in a relationship. Some women of love bad boys so far, breaking the rules, but they hate one. If characters, love family, engagement in your relationship are important, choose a date with these qualities.
** Mention you that love is something that you appreciate and value; It is not something cheap or easy way is provided.
B. make clear that you are a man available, has a rich understanding and commitment to the theme of romance and love. Then, let the courtly love in your dating relationship unfold.

And if you single and looking for your large are, I invite you to meet love a month free membership in the singles club of the tribe of the blondes enjoy. No hair color, it is a resilient, optimistic spirit, which connects us and our passionate decisions and personal achievements.

The singles club was by the author, Hadley Finch--created a real Carrie Bradshaw writes about love and relationships. Hadleys articles, podcasts, and Roman tribe of BLONDINEN, are inspired by your online dating adventures in 3 continents and 200 blind dates ended their long marriage in divorce.

Hadley ensures that singles will never have another blind date go again, as they meet through video chats, special events and holidays in the Singles Travel Club. Claim your 30 days - Schnupper-membership, if you visit and click on SINGLES CLUB then. Have fun!

Relationship expert reveals to find secrets "the man"

Interview with Steve Nakamoto

Author of "Dating Rocks!: The 21 Smartest Moves Women Make for Love"

Reader Views' Managing Editor, Irene Watson, speaks with Steve Nakamoto.

Irene: Tell me about yourself and what inspired you to write a book for women.

Steve: Several years ago I thought that I had met the "love of my life." That relationship took a radical turn when the woman I loved met another man whom she later married. That was enough to jolt me into thinking more seriously about what really happens to people in romantic love relationships.

At about the same time, I was attending workshops and seminars on personal development and ran across the work of motivational expert Tony Robbins. I joined Mr. Robbins' organization as a seminar trainer and became well-versed in the studies of unconscious communication, goal achievement, and life mastery.

One of the things that I found both fascinating and humorous was how advanced communication strategies worked in the dating world. About that time I went on a social rampage where I went on over 25 Club Med vacations and 20 singles cruises. That was when I thought about writing a book about my dating/social adventures using the things that I had learned as a trainer for Tony Robbins.

Dating Rocks! is my second book. It is the result of over 225 radio and television interviews, 2 years of experience serving as's dating expert for the "Ask Mr. Answer Man" message board, and an additional 5 years of experience of dealing with dating/love/relationship issues.

Irene: 240 pages seems like a lot of information that women need to know. Tell me some of the things that you tell women in the preparation phase before dating?

Steve: Some of the smart dating moves that precede actually finding a man involve: 1) loving yourself first, 2) finding and fixing any personal blind spots, and 3) getting rid of any negative emotional baggage from the past.

Many failures that women experience can be traced back to this pre-phase where low self-esteem or bad attitudes from the past ruin a woman's chances for successful dating and love. So it's important that women take a closer look at these issues if recurring problems show up in her relationships.

Irene: Tell me some of the things that you tell women they should do to find a man

Steve: Once a woman has taken care of the before-mentioned prerequisites, she can begin moving forward in her search for the right man. In this stage, some smart dating moves include: 1) making herself attractive to a man, 2) avoiding losing love candidates, 3) staying clear of low-percentage relationship situations, 4) learning vital people skills, 5) learning how to excel at small talk, 6) becoming an outstanding listener, and 7) meeting men while they are involved in worthwhile activities or through a network of friends.

The next stage is about the actual dating process and includes: 1) interacting so that a man would feel comfortable asking a woman out for a date, 2) controlling the pace and direction of the dating process, and 3) gauging accurately how well the two to them click.

Irene: And, how about how to keep him?

Steve: You can only keep a man if the romantic chemistry and emotional maturity are both high. You also have to adjust his role to fit his priorities and level of desire. Then it's a matter of managing a woman's upsets, expanded the relationship into other areas of growth, maintaining an unlimited attitude of gratitude, and creating certainty and trust in the relationship.

These may seem like big concepts, but each one can be broken down into simple, everyday acts of kindness and understanding that any person can practice in their romantic love relationships.

Irene: Are these your own personal opinions or did you gather information from others?

Steve: I read a lot of dating/relationship opinions while I'm serving as the "Mr. Answer Man" for But my base of knowledge comes from the seminars that I attended many years ago with relationship experts John Gray, Barbara DeAngelis, and Dr. Warren Farrell, as well as personal development/communication trainings with Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, and the Dale Carnegie organization.

So while my observations are my own personal opinions, they are well-grounded on concepts that I borrowed from experts that I highly regard.

Irene: You mentioned your studies with masters like Tony Robbins. How much influence has he had on some of the writing in your book?

Steve: Tony Robbins had more influence on my personal development than any other person or organization. I served for seven years as a personal development trainer doing intense seminars in Cancun, Hawaii, and the western United States.

Mr. Robbins' provided me with the motivation to write a book. My understanding of a key concept called "global metaphors" was a vital reason why I was able to write my first book, Men Are Like Fish: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Catching a Man. Almost all of my psychology background was learned through Mr. Robbins' advanced seminars which were part of the trainers' training. I simply took the concepts that I learned from his seminars and applied them to the unique and largely untested field of dating.

Irene: You are a dating and relationship expert on an online discussion board. What is the most common issue that women share with men?

Steve: Both men and women are frustrated in their search for the "one." They both want a relationship with mutually high romantic chemistry, emotional maturity, and compatibility. But men seem to have more problems in maintaining high romantic chemistry with the women they fall for. Men also have more challenges in developing emotional maturity whereas women generally do not.

Irene: What challenges do women face more so than men?

Steve: Women have more challenges with self-esteem issues than men. They also seem to put more significance on love relationship and therefore, put more pressure on the situation in order to make it happen. It seems like men and women will often be out of rapport with each other because the woman needs a love relationship for fulfilling a wide variety of emotional needs. A man, on the other hand, wants love more for the enjoyment of being with a woman. A man can get his other emotional needs filled through his work, friends, and individual hobbies/sports.

Irene: How much of relationships are modeled after what people see on TV or in the movies?

Steve: People in their 20's and teens are greatly influenced by their peer group. Major media (television, movies, commercials, music) has a lot of power in conditioning people into what is considered attractive and what love should be like. But there are such a wide variety of movies out there that a balance can be struck between fantasy and reality when it comes to love relationships. But largely, the media tries more to sell the public on the idea of "love at first sight" as the more desired model for romantic relationships.

Irene: What area do you think is the most modeled after?

Steve: For women, media seems to influence the need to look skinny (except on top) and to wear certain types of sexy clothing in order to be physically desirable to men. It seems like the over-emphasis is on appealing to men in a sexual way.

For men, it seems like the need to be financially successful (Donald Trump) or to be physically strong/tough (athletes, rap music) as the best way to impress women.

The media also seems to focus a lot these days on celebrity break-ups and divorces which causes people to be less hopeful for lasting love relationships in their own lives. It almost appears that getting married is less of a commitment and more like a modern-day way to "going steady" least in Tinsel town.

Irene: What is a healthy relationship in your opinion?

Steve: A healthy love relationship has high levels of mutual romantic chemistry, emotional maturity, and compatibility. It has the side-effect of building mutual high self-esteem.

A healthy relationship reinforces the values of honesty, trust, commitment, caring, and giving. And bottom line, a healthy relationship is one that I believe: 1) feels good, 2) is good for each person, 3) serves a greater good, and 4) the Heavens are smiling and blessing the relationship.

Irene: I'm sure the reading audience wants to know if you are in a permanent relationship now?

Steve: Actually I get asked about this quite often. Yes, I am in a wonderful relationship with a woman I met a few years ago at a Dating Dinner. She's a partner in a law firm and is actually a very busy person with tons of responsibility. She's also read both of my books and has contributed her ideas from time-to-time. I really like her diversity in that she is obviously very intelligent and professional, but she can be just like a high school girlfriend when it comes to having fun. Our best times together in my opinion are the vacations that we've been on. That way, we both can get away and relax. I think it's important for busy couples to plan time away together so that they have something great to look forward to.

Irene: Thank you Steve, is there anything else that you want your reading audience to know about you or your book?

Steve: If people want to check out my book, I've got a sample of all 21 smart love moves for free on my website, . I practically give all the information away on this website, but the book itself is a more pleasurable experience with the cartoons, illustrations, quotations, and stories.

As a bonus for all of you who have spent the time to read this interview, I giving away a free 25 page special report which you can get by simply sending an email request to .

Irene Watson is the Managing Editor of Reader Views, a book review service based in Austin, Texas.

How International Dating Has Been Easily Turned Into Local Dating

A dating relationship is well nurtured when the two involved parties are in close proximity. That is why most people view distance as number one relationship killer. When two people live apart it needs only the grace of God for the romantic relationship to thrive. Local dating has been doing quite well compared to international dating. Most first dates are no big deal when the involved parties are in the same village, state or town. There are no expenses to put aside for the first date. This first meeting is all about creating a lasting impression. You need to dress, eat and even talk to impress. It becomes even more cumbersome if your date is from another race, culture or continent. There is so much you do not know about them that the thought of the first date turns you into a terror-stricken basket.

International dating is mostly done through the correspondence but sooner or later the partners must have a first date if they met online. This is not treated just like local dating where the partners know what to expect. You probably know the traditional food and the local attire and so there is no much to be shocked about. A successful dating relationship is always guided by the truth and honesty. It is the number one key factor even in international dating. Never be ashamed of your race or your culture. That is what makes you unique after all. In your first date with a potential partner, try your best to show him/her that you appreciate who you are and they will surely love you for who you are. If you act to despise your race or culture, your date will also be forced to follow suit.

Interracial dating as one way of international dating should be encouraged and no party should act or be treated as a superior race because if it happens on the first date the dating relationship will be certainly be strained. A local dating relationship is more chanced to survive adversity since they simply understand each other better. There are no language, cultural or tribal barriers and so the two love birds get along very easily. This is why most parents or relatives disregard international dating in the name of love for their children. They fear that people from different races will create relationship problems in their children's social lives.

International dating was previously viewed as a disaster which could never work no matter what. With the invention of computers, web cams, and Internet, online dating has been reduced to local dating. An international dating relationship turned into local dating relationship is far much better compared to ordinary type of local dating. Physical meeting is the only one which is a bit limited since there can never be daily physical meeting. Good contact is usually kept through chatting systems and e-mails. It is even more exciting and convenience than geographical local dating. Good relationships are made more romantic by anticipation. Every move has to depict anticipation and this is featured in every single first date.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project International Dating [] Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At International Dating [].

Healthy Relationships Are Easy To Grow

Healthy dating relationships require and grow through large and persistent amounts of effort to sustain the element of romantic excitement.

Informal holidays like Valentine's Day offer loving couples an excellent chance to further cultivate their healthy relationships.

Valentine's Day celebrations offer friendly lovers superior excuses to build upon a healthy dating relationship.

Sometime ago, a wise soul once observed: "In love, we would much rather give than take. Yet, if the giving is one-sided, there is trouble. And Love (accepts) no half measures."

In today's fast-paced world, couples search for the easiest to develop enriching, fulfilling and nurturing relationships.

Healthy dating relationships are a little like the open-air bazaar of life, where marriage partners display their affections, offer to share their emotions and provide support for each other.

If you want to fan the flames of your relationship, make a date with your lover to take advantage of this coming Valentine's Day to do one or more of the following activities:

1) Bake and eat a sensuous dessert, like a Baked Alaska, Bananas Foster en flambe, Cherries Jubilee, etc.;

2) Find a secluded place to swim or walk along the beach - be sure to carry something to drink, eat and snack on - You will discover how to love this by saying "I really like doing this";

3) Dust off a board game like Monopoly, Trivia Pursuit, Scrabble, Chess, Checkers or open up a deck of playing cards while you eat, drink and enjoy the gaming.

The perfect occasion to add sweetness and substance to your love life and start strengthening a healthy relationship is now - keep the sparkle in your lover's eyes and indulge your special friend to show her/him how much you care.

We should not wait for special occasions like Valentine's Day to impress our special love with boxes of chocolates and gifts of flowers.

"What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts, and experiences otherwise than we do?" - Friedrich Nietzsche What more can I say?

Copyright © 2007, Mustard Seed Investments Inc., All rights reserved.

Cindy and Bill Thomas operate HealthyDatingRelationships.Info, a site designed to help you locate sources of reliable advice about online dating services and dating sites, unique dating ideas as well as tips and guides for sustaining your relationships. You'll discover in-depth articles and valuable information on dating techniques, relationship-builders and finding or pleasing your perfect mate. Join their mailing list and browse through their enormous site by visiting: Healthy Dating and Relationships Site Read hundreds of articles here - Healthy Dating and Relationships Articles

Mature Dating - Tips For a Lasting Relationship

Long and lasting relationships which are the source of unending happiness are the dreams of almost every individual in the world. But more often than not, something or the other manages to destroy it before the partners get a shot at true happiness. This is mostly due to lack of effective communication in dating relationships.

The need to understand and be understood is an age-old concept which still resides in our hearts. At some point or the other, all of us want someone who can take good care of us and love us like no one has loved us before. So what goes wrong when everything's so perfect? The lack of effective communication in dating relationships is one of the major reasons for failure of the same.

The basis for mature dating relationships is good and healthy communication. Once this is absent, there is no relationship which can last for long. There might be discrepancies in the amount of time it takes for everything to get destroyed but there is always the possibility of it happening it sooner than later. Effective communication in dating relationships is what keeps the boat steady even when partners are not compatible with each other. Discussing what annoys you most about your better half or hearing out her problems are always good ways to keep the flame burning bright!

When some problem creeps up, most of us have the tendency to sweep it under the carpet because we don't want to create unfriendly vibes. But the lack of effective communication in dating relationships tends to weaken the link holding us together. The abundance of these feelings grows bigger by the day until someone in the relationship will ultimately burst forth. Since the bottled up feelings have taken a much more serious context, it is more than likely to start a fight.

Effective communication in dating relationships is the answer to long and lasting bonds. By communicating, you can make the other person feel special and loved. Rather than speaking all the time, you should also listen. Listening is as important as speaking out your true feelings. Be kind and patient while listening to your partner and things are certain to take a brighter note. It is very important to have trust in your partner in a relationship and this comes with effective communication in dating relationships.

Forgiveness is another aspect to mature dating relationships that make them a success. Coupled with communication learning to forgive is a powerful tool that enables you to be free and your partner to be human. When there is a misunderstanding the first thing people do is take up offense and allow it to brew resentment and bitterness in their heart. This only festers more and more negative energy resulting in hurt words and wounding hearts. A huge aspect of successful, mature dating relationships is learning to forgive quickly. With good communication and the ability and willingness to forgive you are creating an atmosphere for love to grow deep and strong.

Allen Tane is an experienced writer on the professional singles market and mature dating industry. He has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Allen's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature professional singles, mature dating relationships, and matchmaking. Allen's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

Texting 101 in Dating and Relationships - 7 Do's and Don'ts

I think texting rocks! It means that no matter what you are doing you can be in touch with and connected to your loved ones. Texting has absolutely deepened our dating and love relationships. Now your "A" level friends, family and lovers can be in a constant secret dialogue with you. Of course texting can be overdone and work in reverse: how many times have you seen others texting away and ignoring you or others they are with? As a psychologist I can tell you that there are certain times when that is a recipe for disaster. So you want to take advantage of texting, but in a clever, balanced way.

My dating and love advice is to use it to deepen your relationships but not at others' expense. With that in mind, here are seven Do's and Don'ts to follow when you are dating or in a relationship:

1. Little steamy or romantic texts can go a long way in a serious love relationship. Remember that less is more because you can pick up where the message ends and begin fantasizing about the other person!

2. Breaking up with someone by text is a definite no-no. Ending a love relationship in this way or by email are signs of cowardice and disrespect both of yourself and the other person. If at all possible deliver the bad news in person or at the very least in a phone conversation.

3. Revealing something embarrassing in writing is never a good idea. The message can be shown to others.

4. Using text to avoid speaking on the phone is sometimes the shy way out and doing so habitually will never get you over your fears. You have to come face-to-face and have straight truthful talk in order to have a whole relationship with another person.

5. Texting during a date is simply bad manners and rude.

6. Mass texting to ask people out on a date is a desperate act and will backfire later if people compare notes.

7. In the beginning phase of a dating relationship you are testing the waters so don't overtext. As the relationship becomes more serious, you can increase the frequency in order to plan things together, get emotional support or advice, and ultimately to send love messages.

Psychologist, Dr. Diana Kirschner, appeared on Oprah & is a frequent guest on the Today Show. For 25+ years she has helped thousands of single women find love. Her acclaimed new book is Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love. For her etips, blog, dating articles & daily affirmations visit Dr. Diana's professional and academic background is available at

Top 10 reasons to be in love

10. If you are interested in trading what he has to say, you get more attention.

9. Learn how... reward... it is, if someone blocked your see and the single words, that they are with answers "Yes prefer", "natural", "Why not" and "go ahead". (In particular, after you discover the trend!)

8. They will learn that it okay, snuggling, root and kiss cute animals, especially if she finds it adorable.

7. More lessons will you, the more they like the guys... the more you show her!

6. Can see as a pretext, to the new chick flick you you that you somehow have been lacking, to see. Okay, are okay, you die to see.

5. Shopping is always more fun when you open the wallet and select the card with his name on it, instead of you.

(4) You feel no longer place at social events for individual beings, but you feel not bad add on the out-of-Placeness.

3. they give always a reason, the feeling, a strong, burly man. "Honey, something is wrong with my car," "Come, this move for me?".

2. They forget to feel male what it is if to the new pink tea go, the it for you... and how it is chosen.

1. You have to test someone, now that new recipe, haircut, etc. on that lust was you have to try, but have only was missing, that victims, to try it on.

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Internet Dating - Is It Love Or Sex?

Is it love that a person seeks or sex? The question strikes your mental chords at once. Some say that love without sex is not feasible and vice versa. This of course is in reference to committed relationship and not casual dating.

Single women and men seek relationship for dating on Internet. Online dating is now becoming the number one platform for seeking a date. This is usually done by becoming a member of an online dating agency or a dating site as it is most referred. More and more person including couples and swingers are seeking relationship in adult dating service. The benefits that the Net offers far surpasses that which a land based dating agency can deliver. Speed accessibility and cost are the main factors. The tremendous versatility and options that the internet dating delivers is another major reason for online dating becoming more and more popular.

The dating service accords anonymity to the user member, hence one can seek relationship without disclosing his or her details. Then does anonymity boost spirit of adventure and incites the suppressed erotic urge to surface - not possible whence your identity is known.

If it does then people will not hesitate to experiment with their sexuality. Once the spirit is rekindled one looks forward to casual sex encounters. And, also entertain the hidden urge for alternative sex if any. The days of closeted affairs are over. If one wants then he can have sexual relationship without losing face in a conservative society.

Sex dominates and it does dominate strongly in healthy human beings. Apart from those who believe in committed relationship, people do search fervently for sex on the Net. Men and Women seek love as well, but then for finding love many complex factors govern the chemistry of romance. Hence, compatibility is a serious issue on which love dating depends. In case of sex relationship, compatibility is less of an issue and physical attraction and sex appeal of a person is enough to make the match. Hence, sex is easy to find on the net than love relationship. In spite of all benefits, you need luck to find online romance.

You do find love online and often, but when sex is at your fingertips why hesitate. Join an adult dating site and search online personals ads. They will tell in details what human mind thinks of sexual relationship now.

Hi... I am freelance writer and journalist and have published many articles of dating and adult club [] and single dating [] sites.

11 Dating Success Tips For Single Gay Men


One of the developmental tasks of all adolescents is to establish productive relationships with their peer group and to understand and manage their sexuality. Dating provides fertile training ground for these teens for learning about themselves and how to establish and maintain healthy intimate relationships as they continue to mature and grow. Due to growing up in a homophobic society, most gay men as teenagers had to keep their sexualities hidden for fear of social backlash and further damage to their already shaky self-images. Some boys chose to distance themselves completely from dating, while others chose to date their female peers to more easily "fit in" and be accepted. For some, there was no other choice for them but to date girls, while for others it was an attempt to extinguish their feelings they had for males. Very few gay men had the luxury of being able to openly date other gay males as teenagers and to live authentically. Fortunately, today's generation of gay youth are experiencing slightly more liberal attitudes and acceptance from their peer group about being gay, but there's still a long way to go. As a result, many gay men as adults remain perplexed and confused about how to date other men. Without training, education, and support, many gay men are forced to "wing it" as they mingle and mate with other men, leaving many of them unsatisfied with their dating experiences and wondering if they'll ever find a loving partner to settle down with.

What follows is a tips list of things for gay men to keep in mind as they go about meeting other men in pursuit of their Mr. Right. Add your own to the list and keep it handy as a quick-reference guide as you embark upon your dating adventures to promote greater success in your romantic life.

Dating Success Tips

1. Live your life to the max! Creating a full life puts you in charge of your own happiness and puts less emphasis and dependency on finding a relationship to make you whole. You must be whole as a person first before a healthy relationship can be cultivated. By developing yourself, those internal feelings of zest and fulfillment will show on the outside as well. Very attractive indeed!

2. Know who you are, what your needs and values are, and what you stand for. This will take you far as you delve through the dating world. Having a clear vision and purpose will help to keep you centered and grounded on your quest.

3. Examine your relationship history and determine what behaviors worked for you and which ones didn't. Identify the obstacles that prevent you from engaging in the kinds of relationships that you want.

4. Don't confuse chemistry with compatibility. While that "chemical spark" is important, a person's enduring qualities are what really help to lay the foundation for potential long-term relationship success.

5. Determine if you are really ready for a relationship and assess your true motives. One of the biggest relationship "sabotagers" is not being able to be fully present, being distracted by other needs or issues, and having other priorities that compete with the relationship. Determine if you are "dateable" and develop goals to accomplish true relationship readiness. Develop your self-esteem and create a vision for how you'd like your life to be.

6. Don't stay in a dating relationship that's not working just for the sake of staving off loneliness or fearing hurting the other's feelings. This only robs both of you of precious time that could be better served improving your quality of life in new directions. Learn to be assertive and direct with your needs and feelings.

7. Don't bail out of a dating relationship at the first sign of trouble. Relationships take hard work and conflict is actually a necessary precursor to deeper connection and intimacy. Assess what's missing and what the barriers are and determine if negotiation is possible. There can be no growth without healthy conflict; however, know the difference between that and when the relationship really isn't a "goodness of fit."

8. Be proactive in getting what you want and take responsibility for what happens. Conquer your anxieties about taking initiative. Don't stand on the sidelines hoping someone will make contact with you. Make that move yourself and choose to approach someone if you're interested. Internalize the mantra: NO MORE MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!

9. Face your fears of rejection directly. A turn-down for a date has nothing to do with you as a person; it has everything to do with the other person's projections and needs. Know that you are worthy and deserving.

10. Build your support network. Surround yourself with positive people who will affirm you and support you. Family and friends provide a much needed source of connection, love, and fun that can truly enhance your life as a single gay man.

11. Be careful of casual sexual encounters if your goal is to meet a prospective life partner. Typically sexual release is the primary aim of such encounters, which can confuse and disillusion you to the type of men available, believing that gay men only want sex and nothing more significant or with depth. Put yourself in situations where you are more likely to meet men with similar goals and if you choose to "play along the way," always practice responsible safe sex.

©2004 Brian L. Rzepczynski

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this resource box are included:

Brian Rzepczynski, Certified Personal Life Coach, is The Gay Love Coach: "I work with gay men who are ready to create a roadmap that will lead them to find and build a lasting partnership with Mr. Right." To sign up for the FREE Gay Love Coach Newsletter filled with dating and relationship tips and skills for gay singles and couples, as well as to check out current coaching groups, programs, teleclasses, and the self-help book he co-authored, "A Guide to Getting It: Purpose & Passion," please visit Thank you!

Mature Dating - Love in Old Age

Reports show us that almost 56% of all Americans above the age of 65 years are not married. Out of these people, many are active in the world of love and dating. So if you are a senior individual and want to get into the world of mature dating relationships then there are some tips which you should keep in mind and follow them precisely.

One of the primary things to look out for is the possibility of STDs. Since you have been out of mature dating relationships for such a long period of time, this can act as a hindrance for you. Apart from this, you also need to understand the fact that the rules of this game are constantly changing and you need to update yourself with the new rules.

If you want to date someone who is basically a lot younger to you then there is the advantage of your age with you. Your age gives you a lot of worldly experience and knowledge which you can share with your better half. If you are looking out for someone who is more than your age, then the combined knowledge of both can make the mature dating relationship an emotionally satisfying one.

The very first aspect which you need to make sure of is what you want out of the relationship. If it is only casual dates that you are on the look-out for, then probably it is not such a good idea. But if you are searching for a potential soul mate, then taking the right step forward is a very important decision. Once this is figured out, the major part of the mature dating relationship hurdle is cleared up.

There are some facts which would play an important role in finding you the perfect person for a mature dating relationship. For instance, the place where you live will determine primarily the person with whom you land up. If it is a society of singles where the prospect of meeting single person is good, then you are in luck, my friend!.

Mature dating relationships always blossom where there are a lot of single persons living. If you have been married and separated now, then make sure that you do not search for someone from that very area. It would pose a lot of uncomfortable situations for everyone related. Mature dating relationships should never be uncomfortable for anyone.

It is possible to find true love later in life. Love is always correlated to being young and vibrant but just like a fine wine only gets better with age, so does love. Age provides you with wisdom and experience that will allow you to see things you would never be able to see when you were young. This is an incredible advantage when searching for true love. If you're older and you thought that finding love only happens in young life, the good news is, it doesn't. True love can be discovered later in life and for many it is a love that lasts a lifetime.

Allen Tane is an experienced writer on the professional singles market and mature dating industry. He has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Allen's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature dating professionals, relationships, and matchmaking. Allen's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

A female guide to online dating without the rose colored glasses

Not getting the results you want with online dating? Need to jumpstart your dating mojo? Check out my guide to better dating experiences and attracting the type of people you wish to form relationships with.

With over 10 years of online dating under my belt, I have become an expert on relationships and giving advice on how to successfully date.

Rule 1: Honesty on the web.

It's important to remember that the men you are meeting are in fact strangers, no matter how much time you spend talking to them via email, chat or by phone. And, until you meet in person and spend many months of together time, they are still strangers who may be lying and not being completely truthful about any number of things. These things may include: age, marital status, physical appearance, personality traits, lifestyle, values, etc. Because of this, I always encourage my readers to take what is said with a grain of salt until you can verify the facts for yourself through in person time spent together.

Just as important as watching for their honesty is making sure you are honest about yourself too. Don't lie about your age, looks, interests or lifestyle. Use a current picture of yourself or update your old one. That is the #1 turn off to men because they want to meet the real person that they have been talking to. Don't transform yourself into something you are not. If you are not honest with them, you may kill a potential relationship from even starting. Don't be afraid of being yourself. You are a fun person worth getting to know. If they don't like who you really are, then they are not for you and you can move on to someone who likes you just the way you are. (And those men ARE out there!)

Rule 2: Be selective with providing your personal information

Do not provide a last name, home or work address until you have gotten to know him better and can be sure he is trustworthy. And, use a different email address for people you meet through dating sites or chatrooms specifically for those types of interactions.

Rule 3: Meet in a public place

When you meet, always meet in a public place and tell friends and family where you will be. Always have your own form of transportation to and from the location. Do not meet for the first time for drinks which can severely impair your judgment and create an unsafe situation. And remember, dress nice but appropriately, and smile. Enjoy yourself!

Rule 4: Pay attention to the details.

How much about him and his life do you really know? Ask questions and always pay attention to any inconsistencies or story changes. If a person claims to be single, then watch out for signs that confirm or negate this. Do they provide a cell phone or a home number? Usually, a person who will not provide a home number is withholding it for a reason, such as having a live in partner or girl/boyfriend who visits or stays over often.

Do you know where they work? Can you visit them at their home? If they only want to meet you at your place or in a social setting, then that's a clear indication that they are not single.

Rule 5: Protect yourself emotionally

So often, I meet people who allow themselves to get emotionally attached to an online guy/girl before meeting them and I cannot stress enough how dangerous that can be. First of all, this person may not be who they claim to be in their picture or emails. Even if they are genuine, their online personality may be different than the one you meet in person. It's really easy to get carried away by words promising a future of a relationship, just to meet and have the person not be ready to deliver on the intensity of those emotions. So, please take things slowly and get to know them in person before developing too strong of an attachment.

Dating is a risk. Some dates will lead to relationships and others will not due to lack of physical chemistry or other incompatibilities. It's all part of the experience. And, by not getting too attached in the beginning, you don't set yourself up for disappointment.

Rule 6: Date with integrity

Women ask how to improve their chances of having more successful dates and I always say to date with integrity. It starts with self-love and knowing that you are important enough to be treated like a princess. Believe that about yourself and you will be well on your way to attracting better guys. Never accept dates from men who are married or in another relationship. This normally goes without saying but I can't begin to tell you how many women think that he will leave his significant other for her or that stay with a man even after he has lied to her about being single. None of these scenarios ever works out well and lead to a waste of your time where you could be meeting a guy who will make you the romantic priority.

Rule 7: Watch out for premature sexual intimacy

The majority of men report that women who sleep with them on the first date or really early on in the dating process are not women that they normally want to form lasting relationships with. It does not make them feel special since it was too easily gained. Men like the thrill of the hunt, or chase, if you will. They like what they must work at to attain. As such, it is in your favor to wait a while until you are certain there is a real relationship here before moving into sexual intimacy. Sexual intimacy too soon into the dating process speeds up the development of feelings and attachment when no relationship may have been created yet. You are worth the wait and if he is the right guy for you, he will respect that. If you take your time before getting too physical, you can confirm that he is sticking around for the right reasons and not just a booty call.

Rule 8: Long distance relationships

There are many success stories of people meeting on the web who live far apart that have worked out. However, to be safe and create a more secure dating experience, it's best to meet people who live in your area. First of all, you get to see them more often which creates a deeper bond. Secondly, you can verify their information to see that they are in fact what they claim to be. Thirdly, you will be incurring more expense to maintain this type of relationship by having to finance trips to see him, the long distance phone bills, etc.

Often the distance and inability to see each other frequently leads to the person either not wanting to invest too much time in a relationship or they may even meet someone closer to them in the interim. At some point, if you decide to still get involved in this type of relationship, one of you will have to relocate to make it work or it ends due to the hardships that come with the distance. So, to avoid all of that, stick with dating in your area. It will ultimately be easier on your pocketbook and heart.

Rule 9: Watch out for signs of abuse or addictions

Whether it's a temper, violence, jealousy, control issues, verbal abuse, drinking or drugs, please watch for signs of issues in the guy that may lead to a toxic relationship. Don't think you can change him if he exhibits any signs of abuse. Just walk away and don't look back. If he is condescending, puts you down, or does not take your feelings into account, then he is not the right guy for you.

Rule 10: Maintain your individuality

First things first, make sure you are really ready to begin dating and not just looking for someone to complete or fulfill a void in your life. Men are attracted to women who are happy, independent and have outside interests.

Make sure that when you are initially dating, that you maintain your boundaries by not smothering and over-calling. Let things develop slowly. Maintain your individuality and independence by continuing to spend time with your friends, and are involved in the interests and hobbies that were a part of your life before he entered the picture. People can be scared off by too much attention or creating a situation where you drop all of your outside interests just to spend all of your time with him. Remember, men can come and go, but friends and the interests that made you the person that you are today will be there to stay. Don't alienate your friends and family when you are dating. You'll need to maintain your lifeline to these people and activities for support should the relationship not work out.

Rule 11: Premature declarations of love

True love takes time to develop, often many months to even a year. So, be wary of any guy who tells you they love you from the very beginning. They may be desperate just to have any relationship or may be a player who throws the words around without really meaning them.

Rule 12: Protect your assets

Never EVER give out your bank account information, debit card or give money to someone you barely know or have been dating for a short period of time. Don't buy them expensive gifts, give them cellphones or put their bills in your name. You are not their mommy or sugar mamma and they should be supporting themselves. If they ask you for any of these things, run, don't walk to the nearest exit.

Rule 13: Keep your skeletons in the closet

When you first get to know someone, it's easy to want to spill the beans about your past, your exes, and everything in between. Keep it light and fun. Talk about your hobbies, interests, events you've participated in and your positive traits. If he is worth getting to know and forming a relationship with, then he will be around to hear all of your not so great stories. Some men are scared off by too much emotional baggage in the beginning. So, hold off on the drama and heart to hearts. They are not interested in hearing why your last relationship hit the skids or why you have trust issues. Stick with the positives about your life and then after meeting and spending time together, if he is interested, the mysteries of what makes you you will unfold in time. Plus, it's more interesting that way, don't you think?

Rule 14: Dating behavior

Last minute dates: Never accept dates at the last minute. If a guy asks you out at the last minute, have the self-confidence to say that you already have plans and would love to take a raincheck. It will show the guy that your time is valuable and if they want to spend it with you, they have to make plans in advance.

Being on time: If he is continuously late in picking you up, then that is a form of disrespect and tell him so. If he doesn't change, drop him like a hot potato.

Going dutch: Never go dutch. I feel that if a guy asks you out, that he should be the one to pay. If he doesn't, kick him to the curb because he's too cheap to be a good candidate for a real relationship.

Courting Details: Pay attention to the ways in which he courts you. Does he bring flowers, leave you nice notes or emails? How does he go out of his way to make you feel special? Is the attention he gives you constant or sporadic? Does he follow through on set plans and phone calls? Is the effort to invest time and attention to the relationship mutual? Or do you find yourself doing most of the work to plan the dates or see him? If his behavior is flaky or lacking special treatment from the get go, it is a clear indicator of what you can expect from him in the future.

Most men are on their best behavior during the first few months of dating. It is after the "honeymoon phase" is over and the newness of being with you wears off that you really see his true colors and whether he has the staying power to really make you happy in a long term relationship.

Incorporating you into his life: Another important aspect worth discussing is the effort made to progress the relationship to the next level. Does he take the time to incorporate you into his life? Have you met his friends and family? If he does not return your calls for a few days, does not introduce you to the people in his life, makes excuses to see you frequently or disappears, really evaluate what you are doing with a guy like that. He may not be as into you as you think. Bottom line is, he is not putting you first and you need to put yourself first by moving on to someone who will.

Rule 15: Know when to cut your losses and move on

A date can appear to be going extremely well but then you don't get the call back. Or, you may go on a few dates for even a few weeks and then the guy pulls the old disappearing act or says he does not want to see you anymore. Leaves you confused and frustrated right? That's why it's important to read rule #5 where I discuss protecting yourself from getting too attached too soon emotionally. There could be any number of reasons why the dating relationship does not progress. Some of these include him not being ready for a commitment, is scared of getting too close to anyone, is going through a rebound period from a recent relationship, is a player who dates many women, got back together with an ex, realized that you two are not as compatible as he first thought and too many others to name in this article. No matter what the reason, realize that this will happen and not to let it break you or make you stop trying to date new people. It is just the process we must all go through that will eventually lead us to the right person for ourselves.

By the same token, if you realize that a dating relationship is not going in the direction that you would like, don't keep wasting your time trying to force something that is not there. If he tells you he only wants something casual and you want something exclusive or long term, don't keep seeing him, calling him or prolonging a situation that is not conducive to your happiness. Giving him time is not going to change a man who knows early on he does not want to invest in you. So, start investing in yourself. Learn to cut your losses and move on to new people that can meet your needs. Life is too short to settle. Remember, no one is going to look out for your needs as good as you will. Go for the gusto and be more proactive in creating the romantic life you seek by being selective in who you date, how you are treated and evaluate where it is ultimately going.

Rule 16: Trust your intuition

No matter what, always trust your instincts. You were born with them for a reason. If something does feel right, there is usually a reason. Be good to yourself and take your time with the dating process. You will know what feels right to you and who you click with if you listen to your inner voice of reason. Also, don't neglect the advice and insights of friends and family either. They may see an aspect of that person that you may not because you are too involved in the relationship.

Rule 17: Our thoughts shape our reality

Ever heard the expression, you get what you send out? Well, it's true. To attract great people into our lives, we must be healthy within and without. We must love ourselves more than we love anyone else and believe that we deserve the best. We must also not accept bad behavior or disrespect on any level. When we focus our thoughts on what we want, rather than what we do not, we send out a message to the Universe that we are ready for true change on a soul level.

Many women attract relationship patterns because of lessons they have not learned from the previous relationship or are attracting to their life something that they lack in themselves. Do the self-work to become happy with yourself and then begin to seek out new relationships. If you need to get some therapy before jumping back into the dating scene to help you move on from an issue or blockage, then do so. Learn from previous experiences so that you grow stronger and learn what to look out for and avoid in your future.

Put your best foot forward by knowing who you are and letting that wonderful person shine through. At the end of the day, you are the greatest prize and the right guy will treat you the way you think you deserve to be treated.

Zuri Eberhart is an internationally known Reiki master, psychic intuitive and gateway dream coach. She provides insight, healing and self-empowerment services through intuitive guidance, numerology, tarot, dream coaching and energy work. For more information visit:

A Romantic Recovery Program - 10 Cheap Dates That Beat the Recession and Revive Your Lust For Love

Did the declining Dow dampen your libido? You can change that with a romantic recovery program. Whether you're starting a dating relationship or sparking up an enduring one, here are 10 cheap dates that beat the recession and revive your lust for love:

10. Recreate your date's favorite scene in a romantic movie. Dress for your parts. Learn your lines. Act out the scene, and see how it feels to co-star in your own love story.

9. Sneak into a forest preserve after hours. Bring a blanket and refreshments. Notice the sensations of the darkness. See if you can identify constellations in the night sky. Is there a chance for romance without getting caught by security guards?

8. Buy packets of seeds and plant a garden. Flower or food. In your yard or in a window planter. Water it and watch it grow together.

7. Go out to a movie and sit in the back row. Make out like teenagers instead of watching the show.

6. Pretend you're the current or a former President and First Lady. Meet for a casual dinner and discuss the events of your day. Offer comfort and counsel during dinner. See what you crave for dessert.

5. Write a love song about you and your date or mate. Choose the melody from a favorite song and write your own lyrics about your love life. Sing it together and make it your song.

4. Take a walking tour of a city. As you pass a church or temple, walk inside and renew your vows. If you're starting a relationship, simply give thanks for your blessings and the pleasure of each others' company.

3. Take a volunteer vacation with your date or mate. Join an American archeological dig or work on a farm. A new adventure often sparks passion and creates exciting moments and memories. This is a low-cost or free vacation that your whole family may enjoy.

2. Create A Home Spa Day. Stretch out on beach towels in your bedroom or bath floor. Take turns doing a full-body massage with warmed olive or coconut oil. Enhance your foot and hand massages using an online reflexology chart as your guide. Soak in a hot bath together. Continue pampering each other after you dry off. Will you paint each others toes? Or see what other afternoon delights unfold?

1. Be a reporter and do an up close and personal interview of your date or mate. Ask them about their childhood, their current hopes and dreams, what challenges they're facing, what accomplishments make them feel proud.

Ask them to imagine their ideal relationship and tell you the qualities they seek and offer. Can you each bring these qualities into your relationship?

After your interview, offer to reverse roles and let your partner take a turn interviewing you. How you can use these new insights to spark the fire of love in your relationship?

And if you'd like to see how author Hadley Finch and her savvy friends bring out the best in each other and create healthy relationships, you may follow their romantic adventures in the novel, TRIBE OF BLONDES. Not a hair color, it's a resilient hopeful spirit that unites us and fuels our passionate choices and personal triumphs.

The novel is inspired by Hadley's dating adventures on three continents after her long marriage ended in divorce. It reveals secrets to help you survive a break up, start a new life and love again in the spirit of the TRIBE OF BLONDES. The novel is available in your favorite book store or on amazon.

You may follow host, Hadley Finch, in weekly episodes of A COURSE IN DATING MIRACLES and TRIBE OF BLONDES POW WOW SHOW--Your guide to healthy relationships and lasting love, when you visit

Your Dating Guide - Attract Love and Create a Happy Relationship Using 3 Secrets of Dating Feng Shui

Would you like to enjoy peace and harmony in dating relationships while you seek the great love of your life? Learn how to attract new love and create a happy relationship by using 3 Ancient Chinese Secrets.

What is Dating Feng Shui?

It is my term for using ancient energetic strategies to enhance joy in your dating relationships and free your blocks to love.

How does this differ from traditional practice?

Many people think the 5000 year old Chinese art is all about eliminating clutter and placing things in your home in ways that promote feelings of harmony and peace.

In the book, "Feng Shui: So Easy A Child Can Do It", author Pat Heydlauff tells us that it is a guide to creating a lifestyle that is free of stress and filled with joy and peace. Heydlauff says there is no religious element in the practice, so it won't conflict with your religious beliefs.

If you'd like to know how Heydlauff recommends that you use this practice to create positive energy in your home and lifestyle, you may want to read her book. I've adapted several strategies to give you yet another tool to create the love life you desire when you use these tools:

Three Secrets Of Dating Feng Shui:

1. Remove the clutter from your heart so that you are free to energize your dream of love. How?

Identify the sad old stories that keep you stuck in the past. Now let go of them. Send them into the universe like helium balloons at a birthday party. Your heart experiences an energetic rebirth of strength and joy when it is not constricted by old energy of sadness, regret or negativity. Will you let your heart beat with renewed passion and love?

2. Once you've uncluttered your heart from old negativity, you want to focus your energy on love to attract more love into your life.

Notice all the faces of love in your life--friends, family, pets--and give thanks for them. Stay connected to love in all forms, including your religious beliefs and spiritual bonds. Notice your own face of love. Fall in love with yourself again, by revving up your loving qualities and sharing them. Healthy self love attracts love like a love magnet.

3. While you let your heart beat in love and gratitude, do some Feng Shui on your thinking. Un-clutter your mind from negative self talk and limiting beliefs. How?

Make a list of negative thoughts that block you from fulfilling your dream of romance and love. Then delete them. Place a stop sign in your mind any time you're tempted to focus on those negative thoughts or fears.

Now replace those negatives with positive thinking and actions which help you realize your dream of romance and love. Do this each day for 30 days to form a new habit that helps you attract love and create a happy relationship.

And if you'd like to meet your best love match and live your dreams now, author Hadley Finch invites you to enjoy a FREE months membership in the new dating site she created for optimistic, positive singles.

No more blind dates, since you'll meet the savvy Tribe Of Singles in cozy video chats, book discussions and travel vacations for every budget. You don't post your age, so you can find love at any age (over 21). Start your Free Month now at

And you'll get more love tips for happy relationships in Hadley Finch's articles, radio show and novel, TRIBE OF BLONDES, all available at

It's not a hair color, it's a resilient optimistic spirit that unites us and creates happy relationships. You'll catch the spirit in the Tribe!

Romance and Dating in a Relationship

There are so many things you and your partner can do to rejuvenate and keep your dating relationship fire burning and aiming for greater heights in your dating episodes. These events are activities for two people. Keeping your relationship alive and full of activity is one way of bringing you and your partner closer to each other as you aim to cement it. Cementing a relationship that is strong and laying the foundation that can withstand the test of time and the pain of living. There is no magical formula to keep the dating relationship as true as it was in the beginning. The simple things make the difference, which begin with spending time with one another.

Time is the entity on which all romantic and dating relationship ideas are meshed on. Having spare times in a day to spend with your partner is not something that is easy to come by. The hectic life that we are living in creates no room for one to be with the loved ones. The financial economy of modern society has made it impossible for you and me to have all the time to spend with our partners. We can't avoid it. It is either we spend more time at work or that vacation they have been waiting for will automatically be a pipe dream.

It all depends on the decision you make today in your dating relationship. Whether you want to spend some more time with the man or woman you decided to try if the adage of Eve and Adam was true. You want to know whether you were made for each other. You can avoid it, because the romantic glue sticks two people together to be like what God wanted; one person whose attitudes and decisions represent the union that God engineered that the two of you enjoy. If you do not enjoy your dating relationship prepare yourself for a tough life with your partner and a serious torture once you have a family coming.

If you can't enjoy and have a fruitful, loving and honest kind of life in your dating relationships, you must realize that the days to come will be hit by immense tribulations. These tribulations will be even harsh and fiery once the children start coming and you have to share your time and love between the two of you and your family. Dating relationships helps couples to make them learn to trust and love each other more. They are able to depict to each other that no matter the busy schedule, they can find sometime to have a good time with one another.

Going out and having a good time together is the best way to fulfill your daily commitment to your spouse. Those who have less cases of doing things together are known to have a strained relationship. You can imagine a relationship that has no dating instances. What awaits it when more serious things come its way? Make time for your partner and enjoy your union together, God blessed your union and anything you do for each other will make your marriage or union be blessed.

Francis k. Githinji is an online dating expert. His latest project free online dating service [] shows how the power of online dating can be harnessed internationally and with great success, or you could post your valued comments on his blog at dating [http://www.Tomydate.Com/blog/?P=7356]

What Makes a Man Fall in Love

Think of a great relationship as though it were a great meal: A delicious, meaty steak of sexual passion accompanied by a fine, delicate wine of romance and commitment. Both of us want it all -- the perfect, satisfying course. And we need both -- steak by itself is dry and unsatisfying; and wine will get you tipsy, but it won't satisfy your hunger. Now, before the metaphor police revoke my license, let me simply push this analogy a little further: Men are a little more focused on the meat of the relationship, and women a bit more on the wine. But both sexes want to get up from the table completely satisfied. Need evidence? More than three-fourths of men believe in soul mates (see above). And when we asked our guys to choose between meeting the love of their life or having amazing sex for six months, 92 percent chose falling in love. (The other 8 percent were probably Maxim readers.) Consider what these three men said about the experience of falling in love:

"We need to feel love, loyalty, and chemistry above all else," says Ian, 31.

"Men also feel the butterflies and giddiness that women do when they're in love," says Robert, 26.

"Women don't realize most guys are in love long before they are willing to admit it to anyone," says Drew, 30.

So why then does it always seem like women are leading the relationship toward commitment, and men need to be dragged along like a preschooler to a dentist appointment? Because in the early-on Stratego game of dating, we need to see where you're moving first. Consider this: Less than half of men say they're typically the first ones to say "I love you" in a relationship, and more women than men initially broach the subject of taking the relationship to the next level.

That points to the notion that what men really want when it comes to love is your assurance -- your permission, really -- that it's okay to let the butterflies out of the cage.

Michael, 37, a restaurant owner in North Carolina, says he's cautious about expressing himself early on -- not because he's complacent or wants to play games or wants to make the woman squirm like a mouse in a cat's mouth. He holds back because he's waiting to get the signal that it's okay to press the accelerator.

"I love to hear that I'm her dream come true, or some version of that, if that's the case," he says. "I need a little praise and attention, just as much as she needs it from me. That's the sign I need. Then, I know I can give her what she needs."

Chris, 29, a recently married public defender, agrees. "Men need to be told that they're wanted," he says. "Women forget that if they like a nice guy, that the nice guy might be too nervous to tell them what he feels." And then he added this interesting insight: "Women need to be more open to being hurt the way guys are every day."

Hold on a second. Guys are hurt more often than women?

Hmm. Think about it: In the romance game, it's usually the man who makes the first move (usually after you've dropped him countless hints waiting for him to finally pick up on them). But in doing so, men open themselves up to more rejection than a telemarketing trainee. And believe me, even George Clooney has a psychic master list of turn-downs that he still winces over from time to time.

So once a man has crossed that first barrier -- okay, you like him, it's safe -- he's reluctant to cross the next. Like monkeys in a lab, we've been shocked plenty of times before, and if we're in a safe place with you, we're happy simply to stay there. So it's a delicate balance -- a woman needs to signal that it's okay for him to take the next step, without making him feel as if he's being pushed toward it. Let him know that you feel there's something really special between you. Let him know it's okay if he lets himself feel that, too. But proceed cautiously -- there's danger ahead, as you'll see.

How Do I Know Where This Relationship is Heading?

I've been seeing a guy for about three weeks, and I feel like it's going to be pretty serious. After the first two dates, we've been seeing each other a lot. Last week, we got together twice during the week and twice on the weekend. I'd like to talk about where this is headed, but I don't want to scare him away. I just want to make sure we're both on the same page about where we are, whether we're seeing other people, and where this might go. What's he thinking?

He's thinking that, three weeks into dating, he doesn't want to have this conversation. To him, that's a relationship birth announcement. Today, we welcome the birth of a beautiful committed couple, weighing in at eight dates, two movies, and six orgasms (five for him, one for her): It's Bob and Cindy! Congratulations! It's too formal, too official, too planned. And that formality serves as the fire extinguisher to the initial spark he's been feeling. "The only thing worse than a woman who doesn't show any interest after a few dates is a woman who shows too much," says Anthony, 25. Terry, 32, adds: "Slow down. Please don't tell us that you love us after three weeks." Think of it this way. You know how you don't like when he skips the foreplay and goes right to the sex? When you talk about the status of a relationship too early, it's like skipping the foreplay of pursuit and going right to the private parts of commitment. If he's seeing you four times a week, then it's a good sign that your relationship is headed in the right direction. Just let him have some fun -- and some mystery -- while he's getting there.

How Do I Know When It's Time to Tell Him my Feelings?

I've been seeing a man for only two months. Perfect guy. He's funny, has a great job, I love hanging out with him. We even took this great weekend vacation together and everything seemed to click. I just have this feeling that this is going to work, and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. I don't want to blow it, and while I obviously don't want to pretend to be somebody that I'm not, I also don't want to do anything that could jeopardize the relationship. Any hints for how to take things from here?

Two months may seem like a blip on the relationship radar, but for some guys, that qualifies as a full-fledged era. At this point, men certainly want some honesty. "If she is more open with me, I'll be more open with her, especially at the beginning when you're both feeling each other out, emotionally," says Warren, 33. But that comes with a caution. Feel free to be honest about your feelings, but don't make assumptions about his. Don't use the word us. At this stage, you'll solidify your primo status if you talk about what you like about him, what you get out of a relationship with him, what turns you on about him. Us scares him; him excites him. (Yes, we're our own favorite subject, but that's just human nature.) It's a way of saying you love the relationship while giving him the ego-boosting rush he craves -- all without making him think you're brushing up on the four Cs of diamond shopping. At this still-early stage, that's a secret to tip-toeing between giving him permission to love and giving him a reason to leave.

Should I Give Him an Ultimatum?

My live-in boyfriend and I have been seeing each other for about a year and a half, living together for somewhere around six months. I'm 31 and my family is giving me a hard time -- like I should just go ahead and move on if he's not going to be the one because I'm wasting time. My best friend even says to me that there's no way he's going to marry me because he's getting all the sex of a nonmarried relationship without the commitment. I've debated a lot about giving him an ultimatum or a deadline, but something tells me that's a bad idea. How will I know if he's ever going to be ready to make the next step?

You may think that men are afraid of the marriage commitment because we want to leave options open, because we're waiting for something better, or because we fear it'll be the official end of hot-tub sex. Jay, 30, says a man's hesitation isn't about indifference; it's actually the opposite. "Men are just as unsure about the relationship thing as women," he says. "I'm getting married in a couple months to a woman I love deeply, who I know will be a fantastic wife and mother to my future children. Is she my soul mate? Tough question, but if not, she's pretty darn close." When we decide we want to be married, we want to do the right thing -- for both of us. So should you give him an ultimatum? I don't think so. If you've been honest with him about your feelings for him -- for him, not for "the relationship" -- then you're probably at the point in your relationship where you should be able to ask him straight up about his feelings for you. If he can't tell you what he thinks and what he feels, well, that's probably your answer.

Reprinted from: Men, Love & Sex: The Complete User's Guide for Women by David Zinczenko with Ted Spiker © 2006 David Zinczenko. Permission granted by Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098. Available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher by calling at (800) 848-4735.

David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of Men's Health magazine, has written op-ed pieces for the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today and is a frequent guest on the Today show, talking about men and relationships. In 2003, People magazine named him one of the "50 Most Eligible Bachelors." He divides his time between Allentown, Pennsylvania, and New York City.

Ted Spiker, an assistant professor of journalism at the University of Florida, is a contributing editor to Men's Health. He lives in Gainesville, Florida. For more information, visit [] or

Dating After Divorce - Are You Making a Big Dating Mistake That Stops You From Loving Again?

If you are dating after divorce and feeling disappointed by a series of dead-end dates, you may be making this big dating mistake that stops you from loving again. I'd like you to understand the big dating mistake that I unwittingly repeated for a couple years after my long marriage ended in divorce so that you can avoid it.

What was my big dating mistake after divorce?

I was eager to duplicate my intimate connection, style of communication and roles that I played in my marriage with a new intimate partner.


This was the only relationship that I'd known in my adult life. I had learned about love as a wife and mother. I hadn't dated much before I met and married my former husband. So I knew how to love, not how to date. This was my comfort zone, and I had no idea that I had to break out of it if I wanted to love again.

How did I break out of my comfort zone?

- I learned how to date.

- I traded my mom clothes for still hot mama clothes when I went out on a date.

- I joined a matchmaking service that introduced me to a creative or professional date once a week over lunch.

- I learned how to use the internet so that I could join an online dating site -- after my 13 year old daughter encouraged me to do so when she gave me the film, "You've Got Mail."

- Since my only travel adventures had been with my husband and eventually with our children, I traveled solo to two continents to show myself that I could do this -- with unexpected dating advice from my teenage children.

- I let go of unrealistic love tests that I presented on dates, like waiting for love at first sight like I'd felt when I met my former husband.

- I stopped seeking The One and started creating friendships with great single men I met on 3 continents.

- I recovered from a mysterious injury that nearly destroyed my hope of loving again.

- I revived my career dreams and took action on them every day, and I was delighted by the album of songs, novel, podcast show and singles club that grew out of my break up and rebirth.

- I realized that I was too busy to nurture a romantic relationship while I dedicated myself to launching my kids and fulfilling my career goals.

- I gave myself a chance to grow into the new woman I was becoming before I entered a new relationship.

- I regained balance in my personal and professional life, so that I have freedom to focus on a new relationship.

- I let go of a desire to duplicate the intimacy or roles that I once played in my marriage, so that I finally feel free to love again.

I hope this helps you enjoy dating after divorce. When you focus on becoming your best you after divorce and before you enter a serious dating relationship, you will attract a love match who appreciates the new you as you develop a new vision for a happy relationship.

And if you're single and seeking to meet your great love, I invite you to enjoy a free month membership in the Singles Club Of Tribe Of Blondes. Not a hair color, it's a resilient, optimistic spirit that unites us and fuels our passionate choices and personal triumphs.

The Singles Club was created by author, Hadley Finch--a real-life Carrie Bradshaw who writes about love and relationships. Hadley's articles, podcasts, songs and novel, TRIBE OF BLONDES, are inspired by her online dating adventures in 3 continents and 200 blind dates after her long marriage ended in divorce.

Hadley makes sure that singles never have to go on another blind date again, since they meet through video chats, special events and travel vacations in the Singles Club. Claim your free, 30-day trial membership when you visit and click on SINGLES CLUB. Enjoy!

Dating Chemistry Test - What's The Best Question To Ask A Potential Love Match?

Would you like to stop dead-end dating? Are you ready to find love and create a great relationship? If so, here's some great news. You've got the right love mindset to attract a perfect match who shares your desire to meet their Great Love and create a relationship built to last.

We all deserve a red-hot relationship with lasting love, and we typically find it through the dating process. Here's more great news: You can make minor changes in the way you date to make major changes in your dating success and happiness. Want to leave your doubts behind you? You will when you understand that the Great Love you are seeking is seeking you. What's the best way to find great love?

I encourage single men and women to get to know many potential love matches simultaneously--on platonic levels--until you sort through mis-matches and choose your most compatible match for a serious relationship.

When you meet someone you view as a potential love match, what's the number 1 question to ask them?

Are you dating anyone?

You want to find out if your desirable date is emotionally available or emotionally entangled with someone else in a casual or sexual dating relationship. Before you open your heart to someone, find out if they are emotionally free to explore the possibilities of moving beyond friendship and forming a relationship with you. Your honesty and that of your potential match is an essential foundation for a healthy relationship.

What if your date avoids an honest answer or acts like they're hiding something?

It is important to be honest in all of your interactions if you want to build a healthy, happy relationship. Again, there is nothing wrong and no reason to hide the fact that you are meeting many potential matches at once during the sorting process of dating. In fact, I recommend this dating strategy, so you can choose your most compatible love match and avoid the heartache of getting emotionally involved with someone who is otherwise engaged. We all know it's difficult to be emotionally bonded with several people at once.

It also is difficult to be with someone who doesn't value honesty. If a potential match seems to be hiding relevant info about their dating life, then they may not be emotionally available nor honest about other aspects of their life. That's incentive to move on so you can meet your Great Love who's honest and available to create a great relationship with you.

And if you're single and seeking your Great Love, America's Love Guide, Hadley Finch, helps you choose your perfect match in the dating site she created exclusively for positive, successful singles seeking Great Love. Take a FREE look around as her guest at

Ready to stop dead-end dating and find true love fast? Hadley Finch reveals 7 ways to find positive people to date, love and marry. Claim your FREE ebook now at

7 Rules Of The Dating Game

It is a well considered opinion that the best approach to dating is to see it as a game. All games have rules. From the traditional to the professional games of all shades and colours, rules are at the base of its enjoyment. The dating game is not left out. In fact, knowing the dating game rules and playing by it is a sine quo non for success in dating. These dating rules are applicable throughout the season of dating and beyond and would be helpful in sustaining the courtship and marriage relationships that could flow from a dating relationship. It applies to younger people who are dating for the purpose of socialization as well as the older people who are dating for the purpose of marriage. These rules also apply to relationships unrelated to dating, courtship and marriage. Learned and applied on other facets of life, these rules would give one the advantage in situations where dealing with other people are involved.

Rule 1: Independence and Sense of Self-worth

Your primary concern in any relationship - regardless of what kind of relationship it is - is to be yourself. This means that you need to know what you want from life and the relationship. You need to love and respect yourself. You need to know that you are an individual with potential for the best in life and not be prepared to settle for less. You might ask yourself these questions before you take up the dating bull by its horns - Who do I think that I am? What do I want from this relationship? Where are my moral boundaries? How much do I love myself? It would be a great idea to measure your self-esteem and self-confidence levels and ascertain that you are absolutely sure that you could not be confused by veiled seductive signals from the opposite sex.

Rule 2: Be prepared to create and have fun

The base purpose of all games is to create and have fun. There is no reason the dating game should be otherwise. When we try to make other people happy, we are happy ourselves. So, this is a rule you can derive its dual benefits with one act. The law of reciprocity comes to play here. If you give, you receive, most times double or ten times over. The next time, therefore, you have a date coming, remember this rule and get prepared in your mind on those things you can do to create fun for your partner so that you can also have fun. The success of any dating effort is rated by how much fun both partners had. If you deliberately plan and do make your date feel happy while you were out together, the better you feel yourself. It must be stated, though, that the fun spoken about here is not fornication - sexual intercourse.

Rule 3: Effective Communication

Effective communication is the bedrock of all relationships whether or not connected to affairs of the heart. Nowhere is this more critical than in the affairs of the heart. In fact, the dating and courtship period of every relationship is the time to learn and apply this rule so that one would be wise in it. In effective communication, you are not only just required to communicate well; you are required to help your partner to understand you. This could be a thorny challenge in life. Without effective communication, it would be difficult to find friendship, trust, respect, love, understanding, etc where the requisite building blocks of the foundation for joyful relationships are based. This is a critical rule. The Achilles' heel to this rule is premarital sex. One of the ways to learn and apply this rule is to ask a lot of questions throughout the dating meeting.

Rule 4: Be Prepared To Discuss Differences

It is not all the time that your ability to communicate or obey rules would give you a smooth ride in a dating relationship. There are times that communication breaks down even between two people who may have thought that all is going well with their relationship. During those stormy seasons in a growing relationship, the ability to calmly discuss the differences is very helpful. Sometimes it is the only security for the relationship to continue. To be able to work through these rough waters of relationship, both partners should be willing to put all the cards on the table and discuss their differences with respect for each other's boundaries and individuality.

Rule 5: Nurture Your Relationship

Every dating relationship and indeed all relationships, whether business, social, intimate and even the ultimate, marriage, need to be nurtured to keep going. Constant appreciation, value, consideration, reciprocity and thoughtfulness all help in showing each partner that he/she is cherished and valued and gives them a feeling that they have a place in your life. It must be stated though that these does not include sexual favors. In fact, premarital sex would harm the relationship badly.

Rule 6: Avoid Premarital Sex

There many reasons why you should avoid premarital sex. If that does not appeal to you, it would be wise to note that it is a breaking of the rule of the game of dating to have sexual intercourse during dating. The only time sexual intercourse is acceptable in human relationships is in lawful and legal wedlock. Premarital sex would take away the opportunity to build friendship and trust which are critical for the future development of the relationship to courtship and marriage. Premarital sex scuttles the ability of couples to learn and apply effective communication.

Rule 7: Ask The Most Important Questions On The First Date

This is critical especially if you are dating for the purpose of marriage. Some people believe it would have been better if the critical questions like family finance, how many children, extended family, demographics, sex, religion, etc, should be asked after the dating relationship has advanced far and may be into courtship. On the contrary, it best to trash the thorny issues first. If for example you are dating for marriage, is there any reason to waste several months with a man or woman whose financial plan, religion, demographics, number of children, sex and extended family ideas are at variance with yours. You can trash these issues on the first date and that would help you know whether you should see the person again.

If you would like help with your desire to build a joyful dating and marriage relationships, then you should be working with Francis Nmeribe who is a relationship expert and coach, public speaker, personal transformation teacher and author of four eBooks: "Foundation For Joyful Relationships, Growing From Your Experiences, Wrong Reasons For Getting Marriage and Action Quotes". He is an Expert Author. Francis also helps people who want to build multiple sources of income and confident self-esteem for the life of their dreams. Contact Francis now at, Email:, Subscribe to RSS Feeds and receive the book "Wrong Reasons For Getting Married" for free.

Love hate relationship with fisherman's Wharf

As long as you were their the tourist traps such as wax museums and the many T-shirt shops avoid, it is possible to go to Fisherman's Wharf and have a very cheap and pleasant time! Fisherman's Wharf has some of the best views in the city, by the breathtaking beauty of the ocean, the sunsets over Alcatraz, surely only be sit and take it all in. While you all enjoy it sit there, make sure that you look at always present and funny sea lions, making the piers at home. You must see, believe me. It will melt even the coldest hearts towards fisherman's Wharf. Don't forget, look at the most eye-catching view of all - the Golden Gate Bridge. Even the experienced local catches her breath still as he stands majestically above the water.

Of course, the most popular destinations from fisherman's Wharf are the cannery and Ghirardelli Square, Pier 39, and at the beginning point for the trip by ferry to the Alcatraz. That is what you will find many of the tourists do, and you may be tempted, directly on the ferry. For many new and interesting information in the Maritime Museum and Coit Tower, you of fisherman's Wharf, and can be accessed.

The best part of fisherman's Wharf is how easy it is to get there. Take easy to avoid a bus to the high prices of parking or jump of a the famous cable cars. Once you are there you can check, spend the true feeling of the night get how exciting it is at night. They offer full service hotels and even smaller Inns, which are perfect for a romantic weekend away without your own city. Getting around fisherman's Wharf you can walk or take a carriage around the quay. Whichever you choose is a good way to all the various shops and restaurants as well as the perfect views, see below.

Speaking of restaurants, will not be disappointed to. Found with some of the best seafood in all of the country are some of the most creative culinary temptations. If seafood is not your thing then enjoy the Ghirardelli Chocolate or the heavenly sandwiches on Fresh sourdough bread made for himself. The fish market, the smaller café you are flashing from morning till night without eating an eye.

From the entertainment during the day by relentless street artists, find late in the night bars and clubs more to do than just the typical sights. It is the cynical edge you an experience that have it, and if you get the chance, to fishermans Wharf should go and lose out and enjoy it all.

Ron Zvagelsky has a degree in business administration from the University of Southern California. Use you may find along with dating to additional things to do in San Francisco .

The increase in the interracial relationships

Today's society has changed, largely, in comparison to the past, especially when it comes to interracial relationships. Due to the exposure and awareness, received by the media people, such bonds as undesirable, are as it previously was.

Although an interracial relationship can be very demanding and complex, it conveys that the message to the world, love has no limits. The couple can be about a number of complexity such as cultural differences, religious conflict, gender roles, code of conduct and can follow, which religion of children.

Depending, as each person chooses to view it it can be taken as positive or as an entirely negative experience, which most likely tragically at the end where you get the opportunity to learn each other differences.

In the event that the relationship takes the form of marriage, the message of tolerance around the world there are, as such couples who belong to different races to tolerate differences in each other and accept each other as the way they are. The two can choose their own religion and culture follow the other during the respect or decide that they learn you follow him and more about every other religion.

The parents of the couple have usually a number of concerns about such a marriage as they can provide as this would weaken their own religion in the future generations, and their cultural transmission would come to a halt. You can not as prepared, compromises or forgiving about matters of religion or culture, such as the couple would be.

The pair may be some problems when trying to accept, to convince the marriage her parents. Should the husband and the wife to maintain balance while indulging in such a relationship, and let not their parents down completely. Although they should try their best to make it understandable to them, may be difficult. Otherwise, it would result in feelings of isolation or sadness, because their parents are not approved.

Therefore, it is important to compromise and be open-minded when it comes to maintaining a healthy relationship with the spouse and the parents. You should try their best to give them meaning will include the parents and keep traditions, in touch with their own culture.

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