Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Secret to Attract Lasting Love

I set a goal this August to clean my closets and garage. This was a daunting task, one I had been putting off for years. My closet had been stuffed to its max with clothes from a different era. An era in which I was not only much thinner, but one in which I spent time going out on weekends in my search for love. In addition to mini skirts and expensive halter tops circa 2005, there were splatter paint jeans, pink corduroys and pairs of jeans that were worn so long they had ripped in the one corner of the back left pocket; the sign they have been worn too long. I also rummaged through the dirtied, cluttered drawers in my bathroom filled with Smashbox, Stila and Mac makeup from the late 90's, dozens of tiny tubes that contained stale perfume samples, and at least ten pounds of half-used bottles of hair product. The clutter didn't stop there. My garage was also a disaster, as it had been storing relics from an era of parenthood that had long passed. I had toddler toys, clothes, puzzles, chew toys, enough books to begin a library, and two strollers. As my children are almost 14, 11 and 7, it was time to remove these items from my house. I needed to create space.


Which is, according to my research, experience and Laws of the Universe, the secret to attracting lasting love. One of the first steps in the Dating With Dignity process to MANifest love is what I call The Dating Fast, a pre-determined period of time which requires that one completely stops all forms of activity directly involved with the pursuit of a relationship. Some women call it "space," some a "cleans," while others just all it horrid. They simply don't want to do it.

Online daters admit that the act of checking email, reviewing profiles of prospective partners, composing emails, and instant message flirtation provides them with hope. Others crave the little crumbs of validation that come in the form of winks, smiles or requests to video chat. Other women claim it is entertainment that effectively fills a void when they are home alone, susceptible to feelings of loneliness.

Some women prefer speed dating, or going to bars or restaurants with the goal of meeting someone who might ask for their phone number. Once again, there are expectations and often disappointments. If things go well and numbers are exchanged, however, only tidbits of attention are doled out, often haphazardly, via circular text messages that rarely lead to an invitation to more than "meeting up." "hanging out," or "getting together...sometime." Most important, most of these interactions are with the wrong men; men with whom these women truly don't even want to build a relationship.

Nevertheless, the believe, "something... is better than nothing." Yet, if one is truly looking for lasting love with a man who will provide the time, attention, and affection they deserve, is it truly better to accept less?

I think not.

In fact, what ultimately happens in this no-win cycle is that harmful limiting beliefs are perpetuated. As women engage in this cycle they are fed a steady diet of "proof" that their beliefs such as "there are no good men out there," "men just want sex," "men don't get it," "men don't call back," are true. The result? Women are at risk of consciously or unconsciously bringing their beliefs and the resultant negative energy into each interaction, sabotaging the exchanges they have with men, resulting in frustration, cynicism and gloom.

The Dating Fast puts a quick stop to this vicious cycle, allowing women to take pause. Clean their emotional closets. Do the work. Toss their past hurts and disappointments in a Hefty Bag and take them out of the garage that has become their broken hearts. Quite simply, The Dating Fast provides women an opportunity to get rid of negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and baggage from another era of their lives. Their pink corduroy pants and Smashbox eyeshadow whose name may have been John, Michael, or Dave.

The Dating Fast is not easy. In fact, emotions will most assuredly bubble to the surface when the computer beckons and you must refuse. During those evenings when there is nothing on TV and you have watched your favorite episodes of "That 70s Show" too many times to count, be sure you will question what it is you truly want. Are you willing to settle for just "anything," or are you willing to search inward? Take time to nurture yourself. Create new opportunities for friendships. Take up hiking. Investigate yoga. Go wine tasting. Or take a cooking class. Not with the intention to meet men, but with an intention to fill the void in your heart. The Dating Fast provides opportunities to create joy; new, deeper connections to friends and family; and time to appreciate the quiet and solace of being with, and falling in love with yourself.

The largest language of love

Liebe, wo zwei Herzen treffen und zusammen stricken durch Glück und Trauer. Liebe machen viele Herzen mit Begeisterung überspringen, aber liebe auch viele gebrochene Herzen führen kann. Es erfordert wenig Aufwand für einen romantischen Partner zu werden. Die viele kreativen und interessanten Möglichkeiten zum Hinzufügen von Romantik in Beziehung können leicht in Büchern, Zeitschriften und im Internet gefunden werden. Es unternimmt grosse Anstrengungen für die Verfolgung von eine tiefere Liebesbeziehung, die viele unvorbereitet und unerwartet Stürme überleben konnte. Viele werden leicht sagen "Ja", wenn gefragt, ob sie romantische Liebhaber sind. Jedoch nur wenige werden zugeben, dass sie vollendeter Liebhaber, die nicht sucht, die Renditen der Liebe aber sind bereit, ihr Leben geben wahres Glück an die Person zu widmen, die sie lieben.

Ob Sie in der Liebe sind, aus Liebe oder nie verliebt wurden, ist es nie zu früh oder zu spät um die größte Sprache der Liebe zu erfahren. Lieben lernen ist ein wachsenden Prozess. Er beginnt immer mit der besonderen Gefühle, die nicht Ihre Meinung vom Nachdenken über die besondere Person steigen könnte. Wenn solche Gefühle von den zwei Personen, die etwa zu verlieben erlebt werden, führt dies zu einer eklektischen Stufe wo sind Augen und Herzen stark in Richtung zu einander magnetisiert. Viel Zeit ist nun zusammen verbracht, wie die Funken der Liebe verwandeln Sie in Flammen brennen; wo ist auf dem Höhepunkt. Jedoch, diese Reise der Liebe, die zog zunächst zum karibischen Strand; umgeben von Sonnenuntergang und Paradies, bald auf den Weg der Realität gelandet. Die Flammen der Liebe haben allmählich erstickt, als die Anforderungen und Erwartungen des Lebens gesetzt.

Für einige haben die Flammen erstickt in einem schimmernden Funken ähnlich, die in die Feuer fliegen gefunden. Diese Funken werden bald durch die Feuer fliegen um mit jemandem anderen Flamme entzünden. Dies ist, wenn die Liebe Kummer und Vertrauen verraten verursacht. Für viele haben noch die Flammen zu Staub, verlassen die Beziehung trocken und langweilig erstickt. Dies ist, wenn der Kern der Liebe getestet wird. Die Überlebensfähigkeit der Beziehung ist nicht mehr abhängig von, ob Rosen gegeben sind oder romantisches Candle-light-Dinner vorbereitet ist. Es geht darum, ob die Beziehung den Sturm mit Entschlossenheit und Engagement zu helfen, jede Fläche der Sturm überleben kann; sowie unbedingte und aufopfernde Liebe, Hoffnung und Vertrauen in den Sturm zusammen überleben zu geben.

Mit Blick auf solche unerbittlichen Sturm, die brechen oder die Beziehung aufbauen konnte, was ist die größte Sprache der Liebe? Die meisten Conservatists werden entscheiden Sie sich für die klassische Sprache, die weit, von Jugendlichen Leidenschaften zu Reifen Gefährten verbreitet ist, eine Sprache, die berührt und viele Herzen erwärmt hat: "Ich liebe dich"! Als einfache und klassische wie es klingen mag, nahm einige große Tapferkeit es bekennen; Einige sagten es beiläufig, momentane Romantik zu schaffen, die bald entfernt wird; Während viele es immer wieder gesagt haben, bis zu dem Punkt des Todes endete das Leben gut, weil der die Macht der Liebe.

Dies ist in der Tat die größte Sprache der Liebe. Nicht gesprochen mit egoistisch und manipulativen Absichten, sondern mit dem tiefsten Wunsch, schätzen die Momente verbrachte mit Ihrem geliebten, ein Fels in der Brandung obwohl der verschiedenen Jahreszeiten des Lebens werden, und zu eng zueinander halten auch an der abnehmenden Hoffnung, weil nach der Sturm verschwunden ist, Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang werden bald erscheinen. Der Sturm ist hier aber einen Moment. Der Sonnenauf- und-Untergang dauern ein Leben lang für, solange beide Herzen die Flammen Bewachung halten und nie es off legte..... "bis dass der Tod uns scheidet".

Autor, Sarah Taylors, verwaltet ein Verzeichnis, das Frauen bietet ähnliche Informationen und Links zu Websites, die Produkte & Dienstleistungen für Frauen Verbraucher verkaufen. Es gibt auch viele gute und interessante Frauen ähnliche Artikel, die Sie gratis lesen können. Besuchen Sie ihr Verzeichnis um mehr zu erfahren: Women's Appeal Verzeichnis.

The Chaos And Confusion Of A Rebound Love

Rebound love occurs when a person has been in a long-term relationship and jumps headfirst into a brand new one. Excuse the terminology but this is pretty much how it happens.

We have probably all done it and wondered later what possessed us to do such a thing when we were only beginning to grieve for our recent loss.

So why do we do it? Lock horns with a new romantic interest even though our perfume was probably still lingering on our ex partner's pillow slip.

The reason is we may not feel compelled to revisit the person in the last relationship depending on how it ended but we crave the closeness and familiarity of the relationship itself.

I was explaining this to a friend who had recently been through a break up to be told quite indignantly that she was not interested in her ex just finding someone new. Her words said it all as why would anyone want to hook up with someone so FAST after a 5 year relationship?

She took the leap of urgency and was convinced she was in love with the first guy she met. Knowing that everyone has their own journey I stayed very quiet on the sidelines while she got hurt instantly and then proceeded to date another guy where the same thing happened again.

The thing is she swore black and blue she was over her ex partner and even though this was probably true she was not ready to commit to a new meaningful, relationship just yet. After the second guy did not measure up she began to realize that there was a lot to be said about this thing called a REBOUND LOVE.

What had actually happened was my friend was missing the ingredients that make up a relationship cake.

She was adamant that her ex partner was no longer the right man for her anymore which is fine but she was not aware that the relationship originally worked because both of them wanted to be together.

You see you meet someone, fall in love and decide you want to build a life together. After a period of dating you decide to move in together and start buying things for your love nest and making it into your home. You may get married and have children, buy a house and make new friends all the things that bind you together and make you no longer just a couple but a family.

You are living the dream and believe with all your heart that it will be this way for the rest of your life.

Suddenly the dream of a happy ever after has ended as the light has gone out on the relationship and nothing could be done to fix it.

You are a mix of emotions. You at first feel relief that a resolution has been made but his is soon out shadowed by feelings of loss, sadness and GRIEF. You ended the relationship so you cannot understand why you would feel this way and find the feelings so overpowering you just want to find away to snuff them out.

Lying in your bed at night alone you are not missing your ex but you wish there were someone next to you holding you the way he used to, making you feel safe and warm. This is what makes a significant RELATIONSHIP so hard to get over because it is a union of two people who come together to create something far bigger than themselves. When two becomes one again the loss of that way of life can be devastating.

So rebound love is a way of finding the comfort and security you may have experienced in your last relationship.

The dangers of rebounding are more hurt and confusion, as you may not be aware of the baggage you are carrying. Some sure-fire ways to tell if you are in a relationship with someone on the rebound are as follows.

1. Is your new guy constantly talking about his ex? It is not important whether they say good or bad things about them just the fact that he has not let go.

2. Does he carry photos of his ex in his wallet? Ouch that is going to be a real turn-off to you I think.

3. How long has it been since he broke up with his partner because if it is not too long you better know he is on the rebound and could be out of the new one with you as fast as he came in.

I am not discounting the fact that there have been many beautiful love stories emerge from a rebound relationship but I am urging you to be aware of what you are getting yourself into if you choose a rebound love.

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Commitment - How to Tell What You're Really Committed To, in Love and Relationships Part 1

There are a lot of articles lately on the subject of commitment in relationships and love. There are entire e-courses written for men and women, who are struggling to find fulfillment in their relationships and romance, knowing that commitment is often missing or fleeting. But, we all have a sense, that commitment is something we really want, but often find difficult to achieve. There are many reasons, and, in this first article on this topic I will explore this area.

But, I want you to consider that one of the most basic steps toward achieving commitment in either romance, love or any other are of your life, is to be able to distinguish what you're already committed to. Often, we fool ourselves into believing that we are committed to something, but the results suggest something quite different, and that's the disconnect -- and the source of the results you're getting. You may say/believe that you are committed to finding the love of your life and really making that relationship work, but, if you look, you have really not spent the time it takes to date, make contacts on an on-line dating website or even smile at the opposite sex when you are out in the world. In this case, I assert, you've been fooling yourself, and if you really want power and results, it pays to first, tell the truth to yourself. Why does that give you power? Because in telling the truth, you can stop the pretense that's robbed you of the results you want. It's the pretense that we keep up, that keeps us from getting results. How can you get great results if you're essentially telling yourself a lie? There's little integrity in it. Sometimes, we fool ourselves to protect us from being hurt again, or from pain. It's a natural human behavior, but it's also counterproductive. It doesn't work and you keep getting the same result.

So, here is the simple acid test for determining what you're committed to, and there will be many who will disagree with this. But, I also assert, if you disagree with the following, you should consider that you may be one of those people who have been fooling themselves, and it's time to be straight with yourself, if you want the results you say you want.

SO: How you tell what you've been committed to, is to take a look at what you've got. Yup. Right now. If you say you're committed to being in a relationship, take a look back over the last 3-10 years. How many have you been in? How long have they lasted? If the answer is on the side of "none," I suggest that you've been committed to something entirely different: You've been committed to being safe, not getting hurt and not taking risks. Perhaps you HAVE been in relationships, but they have all ended without a long term commitment. In this case, maybe you've been committed to being in a relationship that's sufficient, but you've not been willing to do whatever it took to make it work and have the satisfaction you yearn for, or deal with REAL commitment. If you're committed to on-line dating, how many emails have you sent, unsolicited? How many IMs have you sent? If the number is low, consider there's no real commitment there. If you're waiting for someone to find YOU, then be prepared to extend the time in which you'll find someone. And, that may be OK with you. Everyone has their own pace. But, in this article, I am assuming that you actually DO want to find a long lasting, satisfying relationship soon, or you wouldn't be reading this far.

How do I know this? I take a look at myself. I have been in two relationships with great women in the last six years. One lasted four years, and then, the other, one year. In the first, I tried and tried to have her be committed, but I could never achieve that. In fact, I got angry and made her the "bad guy" for not committing. BUT - what I really achieved was keeping her from being committed, by being someone who was angry about her lack of commitment, which provided no space at all for her to commit.

What I saw, in retrospect, is that I became angry because I was simply scared, believing that she would never be behind me, and never embrace me as her lover or husband. I subconsciously sabotaged her commitment! And, my actions kept the relationship safe, and while exclusive, there was no real commitment other than to be together and safely not fully committed. Insidious, isn't it? When you see women who have affairs with married men, there is a commitment to be related and intimate, but NOT to have to be truly committed in a situation where you have to give yourself fully and expect all the same in return. It's a SAFE relationship, designed to minimize emotional risk. It works for someone who's been previously hurt, but not for long. Ultimately, it keeps you from getting what you want. True love.

So, here is what there is for you to do with this information: Take a look at an area of your life, your romances, your relationships, where you are not having satisfaction or results. On a piece of paper, write down what you SAY you're committed to. And then, under that, write down the results of what you've HAD. The bottom notes are REALLY what you're committed to, under the guise of wanting the top. There are reasons why you've been acting that way, and I'll uncover these reasons next. But I'll give you one hint. It's a four letter word starting with an F and ending with an R. And, your next step will be to find out what you're afraid of, if you want to really have an impact on this area. As always, I believe that, the truth will set you free. You just have to distinguish it and then take action, whether that be communicating or otherwise.

By the way, this principle also applies to anywhere in life where you're not getting what you want. Examine the areas where you're not getting results and do the exercise above.

Dan Robertson has led seminars and coached hundreds of people in gaining more satisfaction and productivity in their lives. He is currently writing a series on commitment and dating, which will be released as an e-book and course in the near future. As a professional market researcher, he has conducted thousands of focus groups around the world dealing with people's perceptions, and has a degree in sociology.

Long distance relationships: Truth

Not to bore you with statistics, but between 25-40% of all romantic relationships among college students are long distance. In fact, with the rise in revolutions in modern technology, which present new ways of keeping in touch (think web-cams live!), long distance relationships, including marriages, are on the rise.

The first and foremost means of maintaining a relationship where the people involved don't live in the same vicinity (and often not even the same country) is effective communication. This is why it is extremely important for persons considering a long distance relationship to clearly communicate on all essential issues, much before hand, so as to side-step any conflict. Issues can range from simple problems like being home to receive your significant other's call, to the more complex concerns which may involve immigration and children. Even though sustaining a long distance relationship is very demanding, if two people have made a commitment to foster love between themselves no matter what, nothing is quite impossible. What's more is that if you share to insatiable, everlasting love for each other, it isn't a long shot to believe that God might even intervene to play the biggest supporting role in your lives. Yes, all you cynics out there doubt this, but trust US, we've seen some of the most hopeless relationships breed flowers.

To get to the point, one of the biggest downsides to a long distance relationship is the lack of physical closeness, which makes it really very hard to keep the spark alive. Yet, the idea of being in a satisfying relationship is such a blessed one that often people often realize that distance does make the heart grow fonder; sometimes even helping direct a doomed relationship onto a path of success. Another problem that people in a long distance relationship have to deal with is that of jealousy. Since your loved one isn't where you can keep an eye on him / her, it's extremely easy to get jealous and suspicious of even the minutest happenings, especially for people who are insecure. And who isn't? There's always a hint of insecurity in each one of US, especially when it comes to the people we love so much that we are terrified of being hurt by them. The way around this issue is to realize that trust is an important commodity to give to your partner; If this conviction in each other is mutual, suspicious capitals can easily be extinguished. That is why it's important to be able to place your utmost trust in your partner, because if you're not sure of that, you can't ever be sure of anything else.

Yet another matter which couples in a long distance relationship have to deal with is that of loneliness. The obvious way of dealing with this is to physically meet as many times as possible, and to spend true quality time dedicated to each other when together. However, the rest of the time that individuals spend away from their better halves can often turn their loneliness into a case of depression, if they do not engage themselves in enough activities of interest. Thus, it is highly advisable for each distant lover to improve his or her social support system away from home (where the heart is!) Participating in leisure activities, performing social welfare duties, and indulging in artistic pursuits are recommended tools to break through the limits of lonesomeness. Lovers who cannot get together very often should therefore learn to be independent whilst nurturing healthy dependence upon one another. This leads to a balance of power in relationships, allowing individuals to remain autonomous while also growing as halves of the other.

Long distance relationships are so about adequately meeting the emotional needs of your partner. Even though there is a lot of room to breathe, and hardly any chance of your partner choking you out of your space (unless he / she can't stop calling you!), there are times when you need to just be there, no matter what. So, with so much time spent apart, partners must not expect their better halves to stay exactly the same as they left them, because circumstances and surroundings do tend to affect a person's character.

Another thing that both partners in a long distance relationship need to understand is that it's imperative to learn to function under understandable expectations. It is vital for a person to know what to expect of their significant other, and to do their best to meet what is expected of them. If this isn't the case with your relationship, we suggest that you call for a warm discussion to clarify everything relational that has either been misunderstood or never been brought to the surface. Talking about it helps: we promise!

In all honesty, the secret to being happy in a long distance relationship is for the partners to ensure that emphasis is laid on their time spent together rather than the distance between them. In other words, it is best to get together, enjoy the little time one has with their distant lover in a happy frame of mind, rather than ruin the mood by remembering the times when you needed him / her and he / she what is not around.

Yes, there is a great downside to long distance relationships, and everyone going through such a relationship is conscious of it. even so, the pleasure of knowing that there is someone who cares no matter how far away they might be, tends to run over the list of pitfalls.

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When Your Dating Relationships Are Mired With Dating Impossibility

There are people whom dating is like attracting misery. They seem to have everything within their stride and only sell their dating game for a very small price that is mostly ingrained in their character. You can't pity them nor have mercy on them. The things that are happening to them are as a result of their own mistakes. A person who has created a formula for his own fall no one can help him, the best you can do is leaving them alone.

Dating a person whose personal hygiene sucks is a tall order. It means that even after you have cemented your relationship and you are more of a couple, you will be the center of grooming in the house. It is not a bad thing; it is what relationships are made of. The worse thing is that the partner does not even take one initiative to change and improve his sorry nature. It is the last of his worries. The dating might not be affected and somehow you decide to try out whether it will work.

You come together and try to live on one place. As you share the basic amenities and a life that you can afford and initially all is heavenly. The romantic nature of your relationship and your dating instances are just everything that you have always wanted. You have no choice and succumb to the sweetness of his love and the wholesomeness of his intimacy. The kind of sexual relationship you are having is just the bomb and to say the least, you have never seen anything like it. You have the world at your finger tips, brought about by the love and endearing nature of the dating relationship.

You feel emotional tendons of intimacy tickling you to ecstatic proportions of endearment. You forget all the things that could make your relationship start experiencing its worst nature and hit the rocks. Passion and your wholesome attitude towards your partner is the desire of the marriage faculty that makes you have a fruitful one with your partner. Such commitment is the endowment and love of God. The problem is that you will somehow come to your senses if the partner is one of those men whose life since their childhood is not made of serving but being served.

You cannot blame them; it is a selfish kind of status quo, where your attachment is mostly as a result of your service. The effect is that everything they do in the commitment affected their lives they have. The problem is when they forgot completely to show your fair share of intimacy. Considering what you have given out, you are left with no option but calling it a day. The fact is that in a relationship, it is two way traffic, you come up with an element of love into it while the other partner brings another element of commitment in the relationship and together they react to form something big and serious.

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How to Remove Anxiety in Long Distance Relationships - 5 Tips for a Healthier Relationship

Others may say that being in a long distance relationship is not possible. On the contrary, it is very doable. But to make it work, you need to put a lot of effort into it. The hardest thing about long distance relationships is the possibility that your other half may get attracted to other people.

If your partner is a thousand miles away and you constantly worry about the status of your relationship, knowing these tips will be very useful to you and your partner.

Define the Relationship

If you haven't put a label on whatever it is you're doing, then this might be the perfect time to do so. Defining the relationship is a very good first step on tackling your anxiety. What kind of couple are you? Boyfriend-girlfriend, exclusive, engaged, open relationship, pick one and stick to it.

Defining the relationship, means you know your boundaries. If you have your boundaries, you will know what actions are allowable or not.

Communicate as Frequently as Possible

There are a lot of tools to do this, use them always. Communication really is the key to lessen your anxiety. If you trust your partner enough to agree on a long distance relationship, then I believe that his or her word will be good enough to calm you down.

Put an Expiration Date

There should be a time that your long distance relationship will just be a relationship minus the big distance. Having a date or a goal on when the two of you will be together is really important. It will diminish your anxiety bit by bit as every day passes and you get nearer to your goal.

Visit each Other

Got the means to do this? Then you should both do this as frequently as possible. Visiting each other is a nice gesture. It shows that you really care for each other and you are willing to go to great lengths just to see your partner.

Nothing beats the feel and smell of the person you love. Scheduling a weekend getaway just the two of you will be a mini vacation from your long distance relationship. At this point you could talk better and reassure each other again. Or, simply stop talking, relax and enjoy each others company.

More Trust

It's pretty obvious right? You are getting anxious because you don't trust your partner enough. Then all you have to do is get over it and accept the situation you are in. Trusting your partner will rid you of your anxiety and will give you that peace of mind.

If you are feeling a little jittery from all you suspicious thinking then a call wouldn't hurt. Remind yourself of the goal you've set up and take a breather and relax.


Being anxious from time to time is really normal and is actually healthy. But if you are getting anxious everyday of things you are not even sure is happening then get a hold of your self.

Long distance relationships are very simple, but it is never easy. Just hold on and be strong, keep the flame of love alive.

It takes more efforts to keep the flame burning in a long distance relationship; I suggest you check out the details of a guide specifically made to help couple in this circumstance: Long Distance Love Guide review. If you discover that he's been lying to you, don't jump into conclusion and break the long distance relationship. Read why do men lie to discover the real cause.

How to Maintain Long Distance Relationship - Four Keys to Survive Being Far From Your Loved One

A relationship in itself is never easy to maintain, how much more if it is a long distance kind of relationship? If you are in a long distance relationship with your loved one, make sure that you put in that much effort in order to make the relationship work. To help you survive a long distance relationship and maintain the connection that you have with your loved one, read the following tips now:

Communication is the Key

The best way to maintain a long distance relationship is by means of constant communication with your loved one. With all the great innovation in technology now, communicating with your loved one is now so easy. Aside from long distance phone calls and texting, you can now video chat with your loved one through the Internet at anytime all throughout the day. So if you want your relationship to work, make sure that you set aside some of your time in communicating with your partner.

Surprise Each Other

Surprising your loved one every once in a while could bring spice in your relationship, which is helpful in making your relationship to work even if you are far from each other. You can either send her gifts or love letters and cards even if there are no important occasions, or perhaps, make a surprise visit to him/her if you can. Surprising your loved one even if there are no special occasions would make him/her feel so special and loved.

Do Not Forget Your Special Dates

Remembering your anniversaries and birthdays is another way to keep your relationship going even if you are far from each other. So even if you are busy at work or in school, always make sure that you greet your loved one on her birthday and of course, on your anniversaries. One of the reasons why long distance couples would often breakup is because they often neglect the special moments in their loved one's life.

Maintain Emotional Attachment

Even if you are not beside your loved one, it is still important to maintain an emotional connection. Be expressive with your feelings when talking to your loved one over the phone or through the Internet. Also, try to be intimate every time you talk to each other so as to keep the fire burning in your relationship.

Aside from the tips mentioned above, the two most important things to keep in mind when you are in a long distance relationship are to be patient and to remain faithful to your partner. With time, you will soon be seeing each other again and relish the joy in being in each other's arms. I hope all these tips on how to maintain long distance relationship could help you to survive a long distance setup with your loved one and sustain the feelings that you have for each other.

Strengthen your bond by making him commit to the relationship; read get him to commit to find out how to do that. Long distance relationship is prone to infidelity. If it happens to you, don't let it ruin your life; read boyfriend is cheating on me to discover how to build your life again.

Do you love you?

The feeling always uncertainty about your relationship? Doubt you love so much as far as even suspect your partner feel to you? Good, although it could not just always your fault, but nevertheless I have to say, this is the beginning of a very unhealthy relationship. In the long term it could even lead to an end of the relationship.

Should you have such thoughts, because you really maintain this relationship, I believe? But well, maybe appreciation it is just a bit too much? Think about it, how would you feel, if the things the other way around? Would you like it if your partner were to doubt your love for them instead? Call always on you, are to find out where you hold up whom, what are you doing? Believe me, no one so. It is only negative and more negative feedbacks I got from friends who have such encounters.

Some who just can't stand it, initiated a break from.

Keep in mind that confidence between the partners is one of the most important criteria to a happy and fulfilled relationship. Without them, a more stable relationship would be never possible.

But first of all, before we this mutual trust, which is a very important thing that you need to reach can be built up and thats himself to trust! If you are not self confidence, as you can expect others, your love, you trust? To have confidence in the relationship?

You need to believe in themselves, believe that it is this something very special in themselves. Those who make good friends and family, liked the course your love, this very special and unique a very special you love.

Each is unique in its own way. This can only be not more else in this world. Their friends and family, just like you, who you are. Their love, loves you, who you are. So, if you like any real, how can you even than who you are, not how you? Doubts about your own self? I don't think that you, your friends and that special someone whom you really love want to lose?

Now look in the mirror and tell yourself, you're great! "I love you!" Yes, if you love yourself, you have this feeling of confidence out naturally, very broadcast in you bring. If you are satisfied, others will feel naturally happy with you be.

Keep in mind, love is always a bi-directional communication. It takes two, a happy, you and him or her happy, to complete the equation.

© 2005

Rick Valens
Writer for,
Love relationship discussion forum

Currently a freelance writer for,
Monument to the eternal memory

Note: You are free to publish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications, unless the article is reproduced in its entirety, including information about the author and all live website link as above.

What is Love and What it Means to Me - Part 2

Well, let's start off first with what love is not to me, shall we?

Love is not about the three little words that are strategically placed on millions (maybe billions) of little hallmark cards you buy for $1.99 by mega conglomerate companies or those simple words people throw out like the garbage every week that we have all heard so many times in vain.

It's not about buying someone flowers, candy, jewelry, cute stuffed animals, balloons, dinner and a movie, or any other gift that can be purchased with a cheap swipe of a credit card or quick pen swoop in an almost broke checkbook at your local strip mall.

The most powerful words that the world has ever known get violently vomited out, sadly, by people today so much now you would think it was a famous scene from the movie, Stand By Me with Lard Ass. (Note: If you don't know what I mean, go rent the movie; you will laugh your butt off and get what I mean!)

In this A.D.D, fast food, I want-it-now daddy, ego-centric, selfish, shallow, materialistic, screw your bosses and neighbor's wife, dishonest, disloyal, hypocritical, close-minded, co-dependent, and instant gratification society we are now forced to live in, what most people think is love is so far from it, in reality it's most always...









Circumstances (Have a kid together accidentally)


Or financial security or stability

Love is to me many enduring, compassionate and selfless actions repeated over a long period of time - not hollow words spoken or written on some painted tree bark that you put a stamp on and mail out conveniently.

That is what love is at its purest core.

This is what love means to me...

It's about tolerance, patience, understanding, compassion, giving, being selfless, sacrifice, compromise, being supportive, open minded, thoughtful, forgiving, loyal, not possessive, jealous, or controlling of the other person, nurturing, honest, dependable, you want a person you love to be happy always above all else, challenging them to their core even when they are uncomfortable with it at the time, because you know it will help them grow as a person, and above all else, you would rather die than hurt the other person you love so much in any way, shape or form.

They hurt.

They're in're in pain.

A quick glimpse of they're angelic smile or sound of they're contagious giggle makes your heart glow red like the burning sun on a hot summer day.

Love is sitting up all night with your love at the hospital because they're dying from cancer, holding their hair out of their face while they puke painfully from hellish months of chemotherapy and radiation.

Love is accepting every fault, issue or weakness the other person has, because you know they accept all of yours without question.

Love is getting up in the middle of the night when you're at your wit's end and utterly exhausted to comfort your screaming newborn baby. Because you know your love needs a night off even more than you do.

It's not pretty, cute, romantic, or TV-movie-of-the-week crap.

It's simply real and breathtakingly ugly at times.

That's what the essence of love truly is!

A word of caution when you're thinking about saying those three little words or when someone says them to you, think about what love really is. Be somberly honest with yourself and figure out if that is how you really feel about that person; and do the actions of that person telling you those three words say love, or are they just words to you?

One of my favorite quotes I have memorized is perfect for this subject, I think. I hope all that read this will take it to heart and burn it into your mind and heart forever.

"The Greatest Danger For Most Of Us Is Not That Our Aim In Life Is Too High And We Miss It; It's That Our Aim Is Too Low And We Hit It." - Michelangelo

True unyielding love is once in a lifetime, and that's if the love gods bless you more than any one person ever really deserves. You won't see it, smell it, taste it, or hear it, mind you. And if you don't pay attention, you won't even be ready to feel it hit you like an out-of-control freight train, poised to level your whole existence under the cover of the cool night's calmness.

Passionate Ben is an relationship expert who has been on more online dating websites than anyone in the world! 35 different dating websites! Ben bridges the gap with his online talk radio show, relationship blogs, and future books between men and women around the world in a unconventional common sense NO B*llshit way. For a limited time you can download the FREE report called, "Open Your Eyes Already About Online Dating" at

Ask Santa for love - dating advice to make dreams come true of this holiday season

Dear Santa,

I have only one wish for Christmas this year. A simple wish. True, it is a Word with four letters, but they are not all bad, you know. LOVE. That's right. I want a loving relationship with a fabulous partner, honest, funny, thoughtful, intelligent, funny, active, financially stable, emotionally available and very attractive for me. Is it too much to ask? I don't think so.

I have been very patient and really good throughout the year. I have on my heart love opened, I got clear, what is important, I've even given past loves me not, wrong. And let's be honest - I'm completely done. Not only that, but I've done my part itself make available. I out eligible singles meet, I visit dances, speed-dating and have connected even over the Web.

Santa, I think you need to review this list twice. I would like to find someone, to bold and beautiful with its. You will see that in any case it is my turn. Packaging is not necessary - it's the thought and gift that counts. The milk and cookies are right where you'd expect them.

Thank you very much!

Lovelorn in Louisville


You may think that letters to Santa for children only are. But what if this is to get a best practice what you want? You don't know until you try. No matter how silly it may be this is a fantastic exercise. Take time to write your own letter to Santa this month. Include everything you want, what you did (or do), to participate in the process, and why you deserve now!

This exercise brings into contact with what is really important about the partner, locate, obliged to take you, to find him and penetrates into your subconscious mind to help you think. According to experts all three are necessary to successfully manifest your desire.

Another technique, which inspires belief is one of the most powerful tools on the Earth prayer - to fulfil your wishes. There is no denying that miracles are born of the prayer. She could even questions, to mention others in their prayers to you and your desire for love. There have been several studies on the power of prayer to heal the sick, so search seems like a more reasonable result for love.

In addition you can your request of Santa (or the universe) of a treasure map make visually by your desire step up. Images and words from old magazines and newspapers cut out and make a collage that shows what you are looking for and what life will look like, as soon as your request is answered. Finally buy a small pillow, which says "Faith." This is the season to find items in stores such as the Christmas tree shops in New England. Every time you see the pillow, will remind you to believe that it is possible to love themselves.

Treat permission to recruit thing Santa for your dating. Can come forth your inner child, to suspend ask for help unbelief and Santa. Use this month - one of the strongest manifesting techniques available to a time when so many dreams come true? Take advantage of the season and achieve what you want. You deserve it. The Bible says, "ask and you shall receive." Why not for love? Why not now? Why not you?

Discover 10 reasons why a woman never should pay on the first day when you subscribe to the Kiss & tell newsletter under and strategies to learn savvy dating find about 35 in the book by dating coach and expert Ronnie Ann Ryanit's never too late, who love to find you want right manifests itself You found love and married in 43 and know that you also can!

How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

Falling in love is something that everyone is looking forward to. It is that kind of heart-thumping, face-blushing, hands-shivering and mind-swirling feeling you would pay a million bucks to be seized with.

If falling in love is such a wonderful and heavenly feeling to have, then why is not everyone doing this? Is falling in love such a hard thing to do?

To answer this question, let's look at what it takes for someone to fall in love.

You meet the person. He/she attracts you and makes you want to get in contact with him/her. As you get to know each other more, sparks start to fly. Before you know it, you are in love. Your heart starts beating faster even at the sound of his/her name.

Doesn't the process sound simple enough? It sure does, at least on paper. But in reality, you know as well as I do that in order to reach that stage where you can get to know this person better, you need to first get his/her attention. Things start to become tougher at this point.

In short, you need to attract someone before anyone can fall in love with you and vice versa.

Therefore, the one prerequisite that anyone must possess before he/she can fall in love is to be attractive. So now the question is how to attract the person we like? Or better still, how do we attract anyone at anytime and anywhere?

Each of us has a unique set of criteria when it comes to attraction. Our neurons get stimulated when they are exposed to intelligent things like remarks made by someone or a crisp and acute analysis of a complex situation. We get psyched up when we see things that positively impact our vision pleasures or when we hear words of a flattery tone.

So do we really need to be Mr Know-All or Miss Gorgeous to be able to find a partner or to fall in love?

Truth is, no! Attraction is a perception. That means how attractive you are is a form of perceived reality in the eyes of the person you wish to attract. If this is the truth, that means perception can be manipulated. Which also means, it can be learned.

There are many ways in which you can be more attractive. But whether or not you will become attractive depends on your attitude towards yourself and people in general. I have listed five secrets to up your attraction quotient here. You may like to read it if you want to know the ropes to becoming more attractive.

When attraction is in place between you and your date, then there is a basis for the possibility to fall in love with each other. Add in some other ingredients like humour, sincerity and sensitivity and you are on your way to a heart-thumping, face-blushing, hands-shivering and mind-swirling experience in your life.

Attraction is not only the prerequisite to fall in love, it is also a critical component to stay in love even after you are in a relationship or marriage. Without the attraction, couples tend to fall out of love at a rate faster than they would have liked. Without a sound knowledge of how attraction works and how to handle it, a high tendency to get attracted by a third party is present. This is when the danger of extra-marital affairs and cheating comes into play.

Do not let this happen to you if you are in a relationship. Learn about the secrets of attraction now.

You can download the free eBook on how to increase your attraction quotient by visiting this site

This article is written by Kloudiia Tay, Dating Specialist and Love Coach who writes about Love and Marriage, Dating & Relationships on her site

Overcoming loneliness - the secrets of the survivors of a remote relationship

Loneliness creeps long distance relationship-set-ups, because fans that disintegrates the world think when they are away from their partner. They live them on nostalgia, so much these things aside, to draw a smile on her face. All what you remember the happy moments that they shared with each other. Don't forget that the impossible want only the State of well being frustrated.

Here are five proven tips for loneliness to overcome if you are apart from your partner.

Regularly communicate.

You life in a generation where you can blame distance as a barrier to communication. With the inventions of technology, the world is much smaller than it was centuries ago. If you in a place not visible with the naked eye is life, it must have a way to access to the Internet. Gone are the days when it's too expensive, long distance phone calls, or send photos. Now, almost everything is a matter of clicks.

Enjoy your "me time"

Absence of your partner gives you time on themselves and the things that you want to become a better person. Self-development is your inalienable responsibility. It goes with you anywhere, anytime. When you start solitude one thing prevents, inspiration here is the trick. Not only for your own good. Do you for your partner proud of you it.

Something new to learn.

Develop a new hobby or sport. Learn a culture. To start a blog. All of these ideas can be a healthy distraction. A lonely life makes you age faster. So, an activity that will sharpen your mind while you are away from your partner try. This may be no direct effect on your relationship but it will hold, the good vibes going. This good mood will prevent you paranoid, anxious and unreasonable.

Go and breathe.

Instead of waiting for your partner to show up on Skype earlier than planned, go and take a look around. If you live in the countryside, you notice how vary the leaves or as the cicadas in the trees of wines. If you observe life in a metropolis like the roofs protect houses and realize that they are finally not so boring. The biggest sabotage, to tap the to the unexpected moments, part of your quality communication.

Be faithful.

If you are miles apart from your partner, there is to resist more temptations. For some, it is easy to go, because it is easy to deny the betrayal on a date. Other people say that their loneliness drives on the relationship to end and are they, that they are at the moment with. Actually, depends on the choice to remain faithful or not your values. If you really appreciate your partner you remain loyal to him no matter what.

Nobody says that a long distance relationship is simple and painless. But keep in mind that not all difficult situations should be abandoned. In fact, you should keep to them, because they strengthen you and they even better sharpen your customization capabilities. It is not this in the process to realize, is there anything that you are concerned about the pain to minimize. You are only of thankful once you are back together.

It takes two to a healthy relationship, so not only do work. Read him appreciate you and the relationship to him to commit . If you, that you are not alone thinking it, check out my recommended expert guide on long distance relationship with long distance love guide to check.

The fun of the online dating relationship

Many people find today very busy to find dates. You can hardly a relationship and hold it together and have time to go and work, and take care of everything else. The Internet has come to help these people. Nowadays there are so many people around the world, gone in online relationships. There are many sites that specializes in hook singles around the world. Before you begin a relationship with online, you need to register one of the dating site. You can then send your profile on this site. You will see the profiles of other potential singles, after you become a member. Then the pleasure can go through their profile to see which suits you best. If you both each other how you then begin a relationship online.

You get people in online relationships to do everything that a normal couple does, except they do not meet. You can however decide, deal with each other, if you want. But still your online partner can give a date. This is when you decide over time, as you assume your online should meet. This means that you both turn at the same time you chat be with each other online. You can talk about the normal things that talk a few "normal" relationship, the only difference is, that you may not be able to see their facial expressions. You may also be able, online, that only love is his difference in contrast to the "normal" relationship, it will not penetrate.

In online relationships, you can see your partner through the Web cam or video cam. These devices are very helpful when it comes to online dating. People who would like to see each other do so. There are however some dating sites, which give not this option. If you feel an online dating site and you, you will be able log on to see those who you want to chat with, it is recommended the person, check whether the dating offers page this service, before you register with them.

There are many successful online relationships, with the people landed, that marry online or were at least always really good friends in the context. However it can not go without saying there are people who have had a bad online relationship. Where did with an online relationship only by the person, which they use for their own benefit. They get to discover this only after it with them, and sometimes too late fulfill it. If online dating makes it not work simply for people who unfortunately it just for singles only, but also for Internet predators. There are many online predators who go sometimes online to obtain their goals. You get unsuspecting people who are seriously looking for love and a long-term partner.

Francis k. Githinji is an online dating expert. His latest project dating relationship [] shows how the power of online dating can be used international and with great success, or you could post your valued comments on his blog in the dating relationship []

The Pros and Cons of Dating a Guy From Another Country

Due to the advent of the Internet, more and more people are now getting themselves involved in a relationship with another person that is in a different country and with a different nationality. This is the reason why there are now several different sites that would allow people to connect with one another, which is also helpful to those that are involved in such a long-distance relationship setting. But before you date a foreign man in a different country, it is best that you first understand the advantages and disadvantages involved in it.


It gives you a chance to travel

Dating a foreign guy gives you a chance to travel to his country and learn their culture and tradition. So if you are someone who loves to travel a lot, then dating a foreign guy might work well for you. Traveling is also the best way for the two of you to bond and spend more time with each other, which gives you a chance to know each other well.

Financial Freedom

Most women in some third world countries are easily attracted to foreign guys because they knew that this would be their chance to gain financial freedom. They find foreign guys striking because of their ability to be a responsible partner, which is what every woman would dream of. Most foreign guys are always willing to shoulder the burden of providing for the family's needs, and thus, as a wife, your job is to mainly stay at home and take care of the kids.


There are cultural differences involved

When dating a foreign guy, it is highly expected that there will be some cultural differences involved, for you two will have different habits and practices, as well as diverse views on culture and traditions. Because of the cultural differences between the two of you, there will be a big possibility that you will not get along well, which can lead to conflicts and arguments. It is difficult for a relationship to last if the two people involved have different views and approach in life.

Long Distance Set-up

You are probably aware about the drawbacks of being in a long-distance relationship. Well, this also applies with dating a foreign guy from another country. It is never easy to be far from the person you love, so make sure that you consider this before you get yourself involved with a foreign guy from another country.

So as you see, although dating a foreign guy from another country comes with several advantages, there are also disadvantages that come with it. It is just up to you and your foreign partner on how you could work things out between the two of you, and eventually make the relationship work. But if you feel that such relationship setup is not the one for you, then you better be honest with your partner and tell him what you really feel about the relationship.

Long distance relationship requires more commitment. Read get him to commit to find out how to bring your relationship to the next level of commitment. For more advices and tips on overcoming various relationship problems, visit

Proven 20 Tell-Tale Signs Your Dating Relationship is Going Nowhere Fast

Some say that love is blind. This is especially true in relationships that end suddenly and the person doesn't know what happened. Many times, the signs may have been there for quite a while but you didn't notice them.

The people who surrounded you two may have seen the break up coming before you did. However, to better be prepared for your next relationship so you don't get surprised if it ends suddenly, it's best to be aware of the signs that indicate something is wrong. Here are a few tale - tale signs to review in case something does go wrong.

He does not return your calls.
You spend fewer days together.
Everything you do seems to frustrate him.
He doesn't express how he feels about you anymore.
He spends long periods away from home or from you.
His conversations runs dry.
You can tell he's lying about certain things.
He's mentioned that he wants to separate for while.
He doesn't invite you to his social gatherings anymore.
He doesn't show sincerity in his voice when he talks about his future with you.
You become unhappy around him.
He talks about things he'd like to do that doesn't involve you.
When you see him, he acts like you are not around.
He has lost interest in making love to you.
He tells you that he wants to just "be friends.
When he's out on the town with his friends, he doesn't act like he's attached.
His friends try to hit on you.
Simple acts of affection are non existent.
He dodges you when you try to touch him.
He seems occupied each time you talk.

Knowing what to look out for before a break up occurs helps to lessen the impact of your hurt. No one wants to get hurt, that's why most people act like nothing is happening. But, being aware of the situation can help you to better cope and come to terms with reality to the point where you can logically think if your relationship is even worth continuing.

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Successful Dating & Relationship Tips For Women Who Love Women Over 40

The dating scene for mature women who love women over 40 can be quite a challenging escapade to say the least. If I didn't know any better I would think we have become an endangered species. What happened to the plenty of fish concept? Have older lesbians been abducted by aliens? You can find a few of us occasionally showing up in the one allocated lesbian bar in a few states.

We have meet-up groups but many are frequented by a younger crowd. There is an occasional woman's dance for the more seasoned gals and a few lesbian speed dating, face to face events. I encourage women to just show up as much as they can . The more you make an effort to go out, the more chances you have for making friends and getting dates.

So when opportunity knocks and it is time for a date here are a few tips that can help make for successful dating and relationships and a more joyful experience.

1. Look your best

Put on the outfit that reflects your style and makes you look your best. When you look fabulous you feel fabulous. And a fabulous feeling person feels confident which is a great attraction quality. And while we are mentioning confidence. If you wear "odor de desperation and insecurity", your date will leave running way before you get to any dessert. If confidence is a challenge, it is a good time in your life to strengthen that part of yourself. Not only will it make dating more successful but all areas of your life.

2. Be considerate

That means arrive on time. Being late is a bad way to leave a good impression. It is rude and makes the other person feel they are not important enough for your time. Put away, hide, bury or discard cell phones. What could be more rude and obnoxious than arriving late, is talking on your phone when your date is sitting there waiting to spend her time with you. Peoples time has as much value as your time. If you want to have a date with your cell phone make that at another time. And don't be condescending if you feel this is not the right person for you. Treat your date with respect whether there is an attraction or not.

3. Pick a good meeting place

Meet in a place that is conducive to conversation and easy to travel to for both of you. If it is a restaurant make sure there is food appropriate for both of you. Having a date in a disco is quite counterproductive. A restaurant, or cafe or outside at a park where you can relax without having to yell to be heard are some suggestions.

4. Have an attitude of fun

Some women approach lesbian dating as a traumatic life and death situation. One of the most appreciated and attractive qualities is sense of humor. Lighten up. It doesn't mean you have to crack jokes but be open to spontaneity and making light of the situation. Instead of feeling as if dating is equal to going to the dentist for root canal, feel as if you are going to Disney World or as if you just won a million dollars. Think fun thoughts and remember meeting people and relationships are always learning experiences. Enjoy that perspective.

For an opportunity to double your chances of making connections for love, friendship, romance, dating and business, Marilyn Galfin's NYC Lavender Lounge Alternative Dating, Lesbian Dating, Social Networking and Business Networking events, offer you revolutionary and fun ways of meeting quality, professional lesbians. Marilyn has been a dating agent for over 7 years with a high success rate of connecting singles in the NYC area.
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7 Great first date ideas for singles

The most singles are first dates full of expectations in a dating relationship. Whether it started dating sites or from College of Park, cheap date ideas are always welcome. Maybe your first thought was "deluxe package" dinner, drinks,... a film which is nice, but there are still creative date tips and unique date ideas, which you can explore. Here are some tips to a great date.

(1) Are on. Two editions and helped, a film by a three-hour date is not the best way to each other know. At the same time, you want to not stuck staring at each other with no topic to discuss. A simple lunch or coffee may be a great way to start the day, or a visit to a Zoo, an aquarium or a bird house or public gardens. How you, questions think like your friend, know that there is a wide range of subjects for discussion without dealing with issues such as: "What happens to your last relationship?" You might try a good intentional response that can reveal not much since you both to put the 'best' to impress each other. Know the kind of books and magazines, assume your interests and favorite music give you hints about personality. "Fun" events as play minigolf, bowling or a conversation or theme park, is a good idea for first dates, because I think that you should do something active. In this way, you have to do things, to talk about the pressure, to reduce and to speak still plenty of opportunity opened! In winter, skiing, ice skating DART or cruising and sightseeing can be fun.

2. Choose your clothes: it is very important on your first date, because if you it, or do not want first impressions matter, and long. Wear clothes, you feel good. New clothes always make sure help - but if they are not new that they clean, pressed and fit well. Comfortable and presentable is important.

3. Make the other person who feel comfortable with nice compliments. Be generous with praise and mean it! Make no compliments, that can easily be interpreted as teasing or flattery. Something to find beautiful. If you it is painfully hard to come up with nothing, a date in the first place should have planned not then probably you. Your love-check-up.

4. Is grateful for the date - always, without exception. Good manners and human kindness are never out of fashion. Everyone loves to be appreciated.

5. You be there really go out with your. Pay attention to your discussions... Eyes no moves. Can be not in your thoughts or comments with your old relationships, work, the environment and other topics pre-occupied.

(6) Have a very positive disposition and attitude. Complain not on a first date. It is wisdom to control appetite. Be careful of alcohol, how it could be a better part of your mind and the date of spoil.

7. Be very attentive and participatory in your discussion. Be a good listener and try not to interrupt. Also participatory be. Employ not your mind with what your next response would be, or if your appearance is impressive enough. Yes if you are worried about how to improve your beauty and get your sexy shape much you want in record time with well tested and ideas proven fast weight loss . First of all, you focus on your date.

Great first dates are not always romantic, but could be very memorable. Photography is practically here. These tips are very helpful, not only have a memorable first date, but also to improve your natural attraction, relationship, sex, and even your marriage rescue dating.

Try to save a relationship, or do you know anyone in this situation? Then visit my blog and download "The Magic Of Making Up"

Popoola has over 10 years experience and advice. He gives helpful advice for the fitness and relationships with tested and proven methods that work!

Dating relationships and the orange flower

The color orange talks a lot about the idea of passionate love in lively manners as well as show that these people have needs that exceed the red flower. It is a unique flower, which dating much in the dimension, shows love and passion.

Roses have a blazing color everywhere making their mark as a unique flower in the world of the flower species. They come in different types and in different colors; Hints of peach and sunset, soft coral, and shades of brightness, which give the notions of romance and passion. Allow the sweet and suppleness of citrus fruits and the lukewarm nature of the sunset on the fire to summon you. Conditions have allowed dating this large rose not unattended. It has become a great product for those dating, and cannot help it. It is the best embodiment of true friendship.

Roses are grown uniquely and have never found in the wild. They are the after effects of hybridization shortly before the beginning of the 20th century. They are a response to research experiments to the wild species of yellow roses and improve their appearance and fragrance. It has occurred that a cross, and the dating scene we know today.

The orange color is a healthy mix of yellow and red color. It was found that bridge, the place between the platonic love and friendship, the yellow roses. The acute romantic loves art is associated also rose red. The orange rose make the perfect gift for each currently in love with as a connection between the Fiery passionate feelings and intense feelings represent it. It's the reason why it the best gift for those in dating moods.

Orange rose comes on the other hand, to bring also as the best gift for a young lovers the feeling of fascination and pride themselves on the young relationship. It is also an ideal gift for a birthday and also the conclusion. Their shades of a dazzling height have a kind of negative way to obliterate all energies as they bring on the sense and the idea of inspiration. The power of enthusiasm that can transform a person's life, which will go through a rough part of life and is also the person who is in a hospital, the Orange rose entsagend.

Before you have even from home, you have a vase of full of flowers to one particular corner of the room and try to put for example the change in the atmosphere and the atmosphere. The room comes to life in intermittent doses, the bubbling with energy and also the warmest are feelings at a pace where they were absent.

Relationships are dating in a unique way to celebrate the roses, because most people try the fire of passion burning wishes and hungry convey warmth of love.

Francis k. Githinji is an online dating expert. His latest project free online dating service [] shows how the power of online dating can be used international and with great success, or you could post your valued comments on his blog at dating []

10 Characters is your dating relationship in deep trouble

Their relationship may have started with excitement, passion and great hope, and at that time it was much love and confidence to go, but now there is a flood of negative energy generated when you get together, that are hard to ignore can.

It is time, an inventory of your relationship. Here are ten warning signs that tell you that you are in the lead - up to break.

1. The relationship has no clarity, and one of you seems resistant to such clarity, or really open about his intentions and motivations because somehow means he or she has to step up and deliver.

(2) One of you seems to much attention request, expected too much of the relationship, imperious, self-centered, or instant gratification rather than long-term happiness.

3. Whenever you carry on a conversation, it is mainly about problems in the relationship: what is not correct or if you do or not do what etc. more carefree and happy conversations take place.

4. Select each other with criticism and nagging, and bit of trouble way and daily complaints are enlarged, you complain at the end with another or your back get up and shut down.

5. Anger manifests itself immediately and with little hesitation, one or both of you respond that quickly, directly, and emotions flying around at the end of all caused more chaos. The other negative effects of this makes us all your arguments.

6. You quickly and often very frustrated with each other and not feel that strong, intimate connection you had at the beginning.

(The relationship or betrayal 7) one or both of you has fears about the loss and this leads sometimes to use underhand manipulation and tactics with each other.

8 There are a certain feeling of inequality between the two of you and of you feels (with the law), that he or she make too many sacrifices, for others and for the relationship and ignore the own needs for good luck.

9. One or both of you feels insecure, if it connects with other people or expressing independence of things or go other places without that.

10. Your sex life is sporadic and one always feel of you, or less than happy ending.

At this stage of the relationship, it is very easy to slip in a hate love relationship, but as simple as you can fathom the deep, you can together reach great heights if you make the effort and time to work, about the reasons for the problems had the original attraction, positive comment for each other around.

Thinking you always remember, that you have joined together, to learn something about your own deepest fears, needs and feelings and this may not always pleasant!

Christine Akiteng is an internationally renowned sexual confidence/dating coach and author of e-books: the art of seduction of wealth, breaking A bad relationships patterns and play hard-to-get the love way.

How to save your Christian dating relationship

Going through a difficult time, or were a difficult period with your Christian dating relationship? Just because both parties are Christians does not mean that a relationship is without danger of dissolution. This is why the following dating advice can help you to save your current dating relationship or then it you:

1 Keep the lines of communication open. This means never say goodbye, when you are angry or have or outstanding issues that you know that you need to discuss or they will be spread in the hearts of the other.

2.Remember: to err is human but to forgive is divine. Forgive your date, as the Scriptures say "can cover a multitude of sins."

3.1 Corinthians 13 said love believes all things. In a relationship of meeting, this means to trust your partner when he or she said something for you. Trust

4. Don't be afraid to express your feelings and vulnerable with your Christian date. Vulnerability encourages intimacy.

5 Honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to enjoy a long-term relationship dating...A lie can destroy any trust you have built in a dating relationship.

6 Pray together often really help couples and families staying together. Do not underestimate the power of prayer to heal the wounds of the relationship.

7 Get sound Christian leader boards met in your church on how you can improve your relationship.

Overall, if you are struggling in your current relationship, or are simply looking forward to have a positive and sustainable Christian dating experience that can even lead to marriage in the future, dating above advice can go a long way to help you achieve these goals.

David Butler, the author of this article, is a Christian Minister of singles and has a Web site, Christian Dating Service PLUS!, adapted to their dating and spiritual needs

Practical dating & relationship advice - the big lie - marriage is equivalent to soul mates

While there are some singles, previously with absolutely no intention to marry or to find a soul mate, it expertise that are most single dating, because they looking for Mr. or Mrs. right. In addition, that the topic in our culture in recent years about the importance of o is a potentially dangerous case for singles looking for a soul mate, and this.

Marriage is not equal to soul mate

Unfortunately, discover many singles in their haste to marry, there some marriages soul mate other than marriage. Let's take a closer look at four different types of marriages.

The cell-mate marriage - if you already have or one of these types of marriages, I bet that you understand the term. The cell includes mate marriage battles right and be a very large amount of misery. Each partner throws the other completely for the accident. While they "til death do US part" selected they have can hope each of the other goes first, and soon. A place to be pretty lousy.

Of the room mate marriage -marriage mate room is unfortunately all too often. These people have decided simply to coexist. Whether it's for the children, for financial reasons, or just because it's simply easier, these people have it stick out. Also, that the phrase "hold out there" not sound so appealing it does? These marriages are ripe for boredom at the best and worst Affairs.

The life-mate marriage -life mate marriages are a great place to be. While they may not the passion of the soul classmates, mate partner like each other and enjoy each other's company. You are comfortable together and there is not usually much tension. Although there are no sparks and great appeal, it can great affection and loyalty.

The soul mate marriage -the rarest of the rare, this is what the most singles dream when we are small and big children. One marriage, where both people, friendship, loyalty, love and passion find bundled in one package. You've probably seen this kind of marriage also joy where each partner rare finds, in the other. But just because you are married, does not mean that you are in a situation, soul mate. You must carefully choose your partner, and never rush only to marry, or because it seemed like the right time. Even if you select carefully and to find a good game, a soul mate marriage requires more patience, understanding, negotiation and compromise. Basically work. We aim for and hope for the marriage it, may be a little sky without the inconvenience of dying soul mate since.

Up for singles out there think just a little heads-up before the answer is on your problems and end all solution. Marriage can a great place to be if you worked, how the right person first. And if you have carefully chosen the right person for you. Choose wisely.

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Love and relationships - integrity and honesty - guys advice

It is a fact that most relations to an element of trust. Love is an other necessary condition in any successful relationship. It is an unspoken truth that partners wish loyalty of their better half. However, there are cases where girls looking after other guys, even though they already in a serious relationship with a certain man. This could only mean that something important, that lacks in the relationship, and that is the reason why the girl looking after another man, is to meet their needs.

In 90% of cases it is denied usually a man, which they literally your partner be unfaithful to you, to promote how the girl feels smothered in the relationship. A lot of problems in a relationship, as the guy mauled the girl and even she takes for granted keep. It is up to to treat the man be partner with love, understanding, care and respect. When this happens, it leads to the termination of problems between them and to the blossoming of a beautiful relationship would lead.

The most important factor in every respect, respect is no doubt. If a man that wants its partners respect him, then he should make sure he gives respect equally to his partner. A man should respect a woman and loving they should be for what it is, and it is only then that the element of trust in the relationship could be implemented. A man should never abuse this element of trust and should never trust betrayed a woman. Once this element is lost, it is lost forever. You should treat not to some mysterious behavior before your partner. You may have your access to every aspect of your life, not keep hidden from everything, because if it is detected, this beautiful relationship that you had built on trust would be destroyed forever.

It is imperative that you based strong ties with your partner, should be on love, integrity and above all honesty smithing. This would only if you and your partner are both Ernst make working relationship be enabled. With all the inconveniences that occur between you and your partner to give your patient consultation. Respect their feelings and sensations, and even if you argue, you will hear their side of the story. Not diminish their innate fears and doubts, and if you give her a shoulder to cry, in times of stress, it would be you forever.

You should ensure that every day like a new day in your relationship is. You should treat your girl like a Queen. What women want love, indulgence and complete loyalty and honesty are the best of their husbands. If you can provide these things with your partner, she would be forever you and not even looks at another guy. Keep in mind that it takes two to a relationship works.

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3 Questions, which before taking an online dating relationship to the next level

Did you know that you can use the Internet to find your true love? It is true, and more and more people use the net to find Companion. This can be your reality to be, if you know what online tell a potential partner. If you over, if it is really true love, this article may be a little concerned some help for you.

There are to consider some things, if to think whether you talk the person be a good partner for you. One thing you need to consider is the amount of time that you know this person. If you not yet it has long been known, should not then maybe rush things and should allow the mature relationship and develop in the course of time. If you for a good while but known have, it may be in your best interest, meet two out of each other with this person - no matter how far you live.

Here are more things you need to consider before an online dating relationship start.

(1) Attracted to will to her?

Whether you believe it or not, many long distance calls, because only the last attraction not long relationship at the end. You want to ensure that still burns the fire between you two and you find interesting is still their. Nothing ends a relationship faster than not someone - is attracted, so is this something that you will want to think about your feelings for the woman, who you with. Here is another thing to consider.

2 Talk much?

Do you speak much with this particular woman? If you talk to guys, what you're talking about. Is it all sweet talk and no general question? If Yes, you should know then that this is boring after a while and you need something else to talk about. If it will talk all General, then this is a good sign, because it shows that you can talk about two of everything and always still happy with each other. Here is another thing to consider.

(3) She like you?

In assessing this question you need to be honest with himself. Do you really think that she likes you? You need to examine this question, because you don't have to try doing things to the next level with a woman, who feel not the same way about you, how you over it.

You're relationship is far off, here are some things to think before the test meeting with her:

-Anrufen has it every day?
Long are-Dauern your conversations?
-Feststellen her, how much she is missing you?

If you have answered all these questions with "Yes", then you more than likely have a woman on your team that you like. They would like these questions to store the fix your relationship to the next level to take and they will not. That is why is a handle on your situation as an idea always advisable.

Take these questions and use them to determine whether on the next stage of your online dating relationship should take.

Good luck with your online dating relationship.

For more INFO, you will learn:, that online dating tips [], that you can use to success with women online. If you are interested in learning more, please visit the following website for more information: []

Why I Write About Love and Relationships

Most people today wouldn't know the meaning of love if it smacked them in the face. 7 out of 10 relationship blogs I read are about cheating. Mostly asking questions like, "Is it okay to have one last fling before I get married?" "My boyfriend cheated on me, should I stay with him?" "My boyfriend hangs out with girls until 5am when I am not there, should I trust him and stay with him?" It blows me away that these girls/women even have to ask these questions and get another's opinion. Whatever happened to the mutual respect of each other in relationships? Not to mention, the respect of one's self. It breaks my heart to see so many women and even young girls seeking out this advice. I could not sit back and do nothing, so what am I doing about it? It angers me that there are people out there that would betray their significant other in such a manner. It upsets me even more that there are children watching their parents doing such things! Parents, children will imitate your behavior. Even if you think they don't understand what your saying or doing because they are too young to even begin speaking or walking - you are wrong, they do understand, they understand on a much deeper level than you and I.

So what should we do, you ask? Well first of all, stop your behavior; treat your significant other with respect. If that is just too much to ask, then get out of the relationship or seek help.

I once read on a blog that there are gray areas of cheating, meaning that in some circumstances, it's okay. I would like to know what circumstances those are; because I believe that it is NEVER okay to cheat on your significant other. It's black and white, right or wrong, and cheating is never right. Someone WILL get hurt and someone WILL be betrayed.

It is possible to have an honest, loving, healthy relationship for longer than the "honeymoon" period (which I read somewhere is 2 years in a dating relationship, not marriage). How do you do that? It's easier than you think. Of course, things will come up in your relationship, there may be things you don't agree on, misunderstandings and hurt feelings, but it's how you handle those things as a couple that will determine how you can handle the bigger things that will come.

A relationship is not all about sex, fun and feeling good. A relationship takes work, work that you must be willing to do and it's not always fun. But out of it, you do get a rewarding relationship with someone you care a lot about. There are many good things that come from having a healthy relationship built on the right grounds. And if more people cared enough about that, the world would be a much happier place.

So, back to my question - what am I doing about it? I have partnered up with relationship author Tapiwa Chitembure, author of Rage For The Justice Of Love. I write about relationship issues on my blog and actively write about his book. I have read it and truly believe that if people took more time and put more care into relationships, there would not be so much human corruption around us. I write about these things to bring more awareness to the bigger issues at hand and the seriousness of them.

Older dating - stopper the older dating relationships

Just as there are positive reinforcement, build a successful relationship can older dating, there are also certain elements that can destroy the relationship like a cancer. There are good and bad in all things and sometimes accordingly due to the bad elements of our humanity. The good news is, the more you recognize the negative murderers of a maturity dating the better you be relationship, to catch this cancer thoughts at the door of your mind.


One of the primary killers of tire dating is proud of relationships. Arrogance comes in all shapes and sizes, but it comes primarily from one place of selfishness. Most people think, our proud person as someone who thinks too much of himself, but this is not always the case. What cannot play when in a disagreement, it's you, what attracts you to anger and desire is proud, take, what you think legally sell is. Proud love hides as look after your best interest, but never does. Love is purely concerned with the interest of to be loved.


His cousin, greed comes together with pride. Greed is what we see, come from young children when they play. You want all the toys to completely without the willingness to share you. If a child has a toy what want you, they throw a tantrum. Unfortunately this greed happens all the time in relationships and the root of the behavior. We want what we don't have, and we desire to get what we want. Whether it times, respect or something else, can greed quickly kill relationship a successful tyre dating.


Desire is an enemy of true love. Love is, love protects and love victims. Lust is selfish aggressively on the other side. It is to replace a cheap love, true love in the other person. Greed causes that commitments are broken, bruised heart and dreams to the drain flushed get. Desire manipulated and seduced to get what it wants. Desire is a cheap short-cut, and end sacrifice, humility and honor lead if done right requires. Lust is an another killer that can stifle true love in the relationship.

Bitterness or merciless.

If you hurt in your heart towards your partner bitterness port begins to form. Just like liquid in the body infection takes up if it is not removed, even merciless pervert causes loving heart to a bitter and hard. Part of being in a mature dating relationship is a commitment to honesty. Their honest feelings, and share with your partner. They should have the freedom, let them know if they hurt or feel offended in any way. In addition, must you forgive them what they have done to keep the love alive.

These are only a few ways tire dating relationships can be killed during the development process. Open your eyes for this cancerous enemies of love holding and confronted it head on, if they lurk her nasty face.

All Tane is an experienced writer on the professional singles market and mature dating industry. He has been writing for a while and and has published countless articles. Some of the most popular topics of Allen's on write individual professionals over 30 include older professional singles, mature dating , relationships and matchmaking. Allen's articles are well-written and memorable. They are especially ideal for those who start out and still keep up with their daily activities.

Spiritual Pitbul On Relationship Change

Letting go the old relationship so you can turn up for a new one?

Yes, this is really important. Sometimes we hold onto anger or attraction for an old relationship and that sabotages the quality of the new one. If you are holding anything but gratitude for your past, it's running you. Consider these little ideas from the universe of nature.

1/ Nobody can do you more harm than good or more good than harm.

2/ Nobody does to you on the outside more than you are doing to yourself on the inside.

3/ There are no victims. We cause our own reality. So actually what they did is what you wanted them to do at some level.

4/ Nature destroys anything that is not fulfilling it's purpose. Including friendships.

5/ What you judge you breed in your children, attract in a partner or become.

Undecided whether to stay or go?

Spiritual pitbull thinks "don't leave em till you love em." We have a habit of thinking that if we blame some situation and move away from it, we'll be better. If you meet someone who tells you they left the last relationship because of the behaviour of their last partner, run for your life. They are so full of shit. Lying to themselves, and now you. And guess what? "You're next"

Blame is a poison and one that infects so many people. You must consider whether you are blaming your partner for your inherent misery. Thinking you can escape by dumping this one for that one, is going to prove a fruitless chase.

Learn the difference between love and relationship. You can love someone and still leave. If you love someone you are really aware that there is nothing about them that you don't have in you, and there's nothing about you that isn't divine. So, lets say it again. You are a divine being. Everything you see is just a reflection of you. Therefore, everything you see and every one you meet, is worthy of love.

If you can separate love from relationship, there's no need to have a relationship with all people you love, and there's no need to love all people you have a relationship with. Love however, is a requisite for moving out of a relationship you are in. Because love frees you. Once you love someone you can choose whether you want a relationship or not, this is far better than running away and therefore into your problems.

Can't let go of something that happened in the past, lost trust for your partner?

The spiritual Pitbull says "trust is more important, and more valuable in a relationship than love. To be trusted, or to give trust to another person, is so private, so precious a gift, one must treasure this more than anything, because once lost, all becomes mechanical, irrelevant and ambivalent. Trust.

Trust is a silk thread between lovers. So easily broken it must be protected. Once broken trust is hard to repair, but totally possible.

Firstly, if someone broke your trust, stop blaming them. No one can break your trust more than you do to yourself. Were you lying to yourself? Did you really want to be somewhere else? Did you feel committed but not wanting to stay? The real solution to healing broken trust is to stop blaming them and accept that you have the power to cause people to break your trust.

Otherwise if you think someone broke your trust you'll never ever trust them again - and for that matter, you'll not trust others too. Loose trust for one, loose trust for all.

Single and just don't know where to start?

We were all single once. This is the message from Spiritual Pitbull. We were all single once and even when we're in a relationship we are single allot. So, let's shoot the myth that having a relationship is going to solve all your problems.

Next, Spiritual pitbull would like to remind you that nothing is ever missing. So, you are not single really. You have everything you need all around you. The change will be in centralizing it all into one person, rather than a bunch.

The next thing is about desperation. When we really, really, really want someone, our intuition becomes fogged so we make some really big mistakes. Desperation causes us to infatuate people, and infatuation blinds us. So, be cool, make sure you're happy, and content being single, don't get desperate. Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris?s work and journeys to Nepal, visit --