Wednesday, April 18, 2012

10 Characters is your dating relationship in deep trouble

Their relationship may have started with excitement, passion and great hope, and at that time it was much love and confidence to go, but now there is a flood of negative energy generated when you get together, that are hard to ignore can.

It is time, an inventory of your relationship. Here are ten warning signs that tell you that you are in the lead - up to break.

1. The relationship has no clarity, and one of you seems resistant to such clarity, or really open about his intentions and motivations because somehow means he or she has to step up and deliver.

(2) One of you seems to much attention request, expected too much of the relationship, imperious, self-centered, or instant gratification rather than long-term happiness.

3. Whenever you carry on a conversation, it is mainly about problems in the relationship: what is not correct or if you do or not do what etc. more carefree and happy conversations take place.

4. Select each other with criticism and nagging, and bit of trouble way and daily complaints are enlarged, you complain at the end with another or your back get up and shut down.

5. Anger manifests itself immediately and with little hesitation, one or both of you respond that quickly, directly, and emotions flying around at the end of all caused more chaos. The other negative effects of this makes us all your arguments.

6. You quickly and often very frustrated with each other and not feel that strong, intimate connection you had at the beginning.

(The relationship or betrayal 7) one or both of you has fears about the loss and this leads sometimes to use underhand manipulation and tactics with each other.

8 There are a certain feeling of inequality between the two of you and of you feels (with the law), that he or she make too many sacrifices, for others and for the relationship and ignore the own needs for good luck.

9. One or both of you feels insecure, if it connects with other people or expressing independence of things or go other places without that.

10. Your sex life is sporadic and one always feel of you, or less than happy ending.

At this stage of the relationship, it is very easy to slip in a hate love relationship, but as simple as you can fathom the deep, you can together reach great heights if you make the effort and time to work, about the reasons for the problems had the original attraction, positive comment for each other around.

Thinking you always remember, that you have joined together, to learn something about your own deepest fears, needs and feelings and this may not always pleasant!

Christine Akiteng is an internationally renowned sexual confidence/dating coach and author of e-books: the art of seduction of wealth, breaking A bad relationships patterns and play hard-to-get the love way.


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