What Women Want and How To Give It To Them?
Whether you want to pick up women to share some fun, or you want to find one to share a long term relationship with, knowing what they want and how you can give it to them is key. Perhaps you have been unsuccessful with the ladies so far. That's OK, I'm simply going to ask you to put all that aside for a few minutes and think about how you can dramtically improve your success rate. Let's look at some things that pretty much EVERY woman wants from a man.
Respect - I don't subscribe to the 'treat them mean, keep them clean' mindset. You can be strong and assertive and still show her the respect she deserves. If she is looking for someone to be serious about her and the relationship, don't flirt with other women and be elusive. Give her what she wants.
Protection - This doesn't mean you need to punch out that guy in the bar that tries to hit on her. This means you omit a calm, strong demeanour at all times. Make her feel safe and loved.
Honesty - Don't be like Tiger Woods, sacrifice all other women and make her feel special. If she wants to know where you are going, tell her. Don't make something up because you are going to a strip club with the guys. In fact, you shouldn't be going to strip clubs at all! Unless it's OK with her, of course. Above all, don't give her any reason not to trust you.
Sense of Humor - I'm sure you've heard it said that if you can make a woman laugh, you can get her into bed. It's a silly generalization, but it's partly true. Making a woman laugh will make her feel relaxed in your company, and may even turn her on - which is very good news!
Confidence In The Bedroom - If you know exactly what you want and more to the point exactly what she wants in this area - she's going to love you for it. Confidence is a big turn on too. Maybe you lack confidence - my advice is to work on it before you seal the deal!
No matter what it is you are looking for - a fling or a life partnership, if you have all these areas covered then you should have no trouble with the ladies whatsoever. It doesn't even matter if you aren't particularly good looking, but of course - that is an area you can work on too, if you feel you need to. The very best of luck, I hope these tips have helped you out.
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