In your local store, the movies, the library, in clubs and bars, everywhere. If you are looking for a special type of person you should look in the places he or she must be. If you want a heavy metal guy or girl you should go to places they go, don't go to a ballet class if you are looking for that type of person, go to a metal concert a metal music shop, or a metal clothe shop, and of course you have to dress the way a metal men dresses.
If you want a normal girl or guy who likes any type of music, you can go anywhere, the best places to meet them is in bar or clubs, why?? But "I'm not the bars and club guy or girl, I don't do that, I just don't like it, there is only mean people in that places, I'm scared to go there, too many people scared me, I will never go there" Reason to not go are endless, if you never have go there, or you just went a couple times, then is naturally to be scared, when peoples are in a new environment it's normal to be scared, if you go 4 times a week for a year, you won't be scared, in fact it will feel like your home. But if I said that you can meet girls or guys everywhere why you have to go to bars and clubs???
You could not go if you don't want to, and you can still find your couple, but it's more probable that you meet a girl or guy in a bar or a club that most of the places. Why?? Because bars and clubs are made for socializing, that means a lot of people your age will be there, 600 in a small places, that's a lot more chances to meet someone. But as I said you can meet girls and guys everywhere, just don't stay at home, waiting for your love one to come, just go out.
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