Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bring it home - protect not your love life before cataclysm

Self management's at work has not evolved much past the 1920's. Techniques of stress management and business management are antiquated and irrelevant. Times change, technology changes, demands are up, so we must evolve our way of dealing with it most self management is taught by corporate drop couldn't hack the pace outs, people who, but we need better than that, instead of trying to reduce the inspiration at work, we need to bring our self management tools up to speed with reality. There for stress is no excuse, burn - out and bringing exhaustion home. This article explains how and why it all must change.

Busy day? Feeling completely shagged? Burned out from answering questions, solving problems, developing new strategies? Angry at that client what just won't get off your back, or the employee who stuffed up once again? Are you having a few cash flow problems that you just can't share, and therefore your emotions are all bottled up making you tired, grumpy?

Do not bring it home is on idea I got after staying with friends overseas and watching the father of the house come home wounded, day after day from work. It seems he felt justified - aka - proud of the fact that tiredness proved that the money he earned came the hard way, and therefore he what showing the family how hard it was to support them.

I came to the conclusion that much of our behaviour at work comes from that idea, that money earned easily is not right, and that money earned by hard work is better. But this contradicts natures law in a huge way.

Natures law is that abundance comes through evolution. Struggle reveals a lack of try. If we keep setting our budget too high we keep ourselves in poverty. If we set them too low we keep ourselves in poverty so. Business grows at the border of chaos and order. The idea of the budget is to grow along that line, with healthy chunks of aspirational challenge and healthy chunks of abundant comfort.

Too much greed, visioning and overreach comes from a minimalist at least because it has no appreciation for what its got. It can only think about what it can have. That's like the dog with a bone, who sees its magnified reflection in the water, drops the bone its got to reach for the bigger one in the water. Of course, it ends up with nothing.

If nature evolves at the border of chaos and order, then it is wise to think about your day in the same way. 50% of it should be healthy, abundant, happy, relaxed and comfortable. 50% should be challenged, stretched, visioning and tense. Now if you have 6 months of the latter, i.e. pressure, then will give you the other nature helped, like it or not, by introducing a stroke, a heart problem, a loss of power or something to cause you balance.

Do not bring it home begins with the recognition that all your life you have a will balance of chaos and order, at home and at work. You get to choose the chaos if you push yourself into areas you fear, feel uncertain, feel out of your depth in. And you get to choose your order if you can balance your aspiration for more, more, more with the concept of daily periods of comfort and appreciation.

Now, the reason I say, don't bring it home, is because you are part of a herd. Your family is your herd, and they are a part of other herds at school and at play. So, when you come in the door, either all cumload up because you achieved something, or all pumped down because you didn t, then the balance factor becomes a virus. It spreads. One member of your herd reacts one way to you, another reacts differently and suddenly your incompetence at self management at work, becomes a trigger to your own family, and eventually all they touch too.

Sometimes we are so messed up in the way we manage our work that we have to "let our hair down" in big spurts of release. The pub, the gym, the overseas trip to name just 3. but there is a whole industry built around incompetent self management at work. This includes but is not limited to; alternative medicine, chiropractors, hospitals, prostitutes, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and more. I think, if anti smoking campaigns were serious about reducing the affect of smoking, rather than the number of cigarettes smoked, they'd send this message about healthy self management to all people who work. Balance.

The final crunch comes when we try, through greed, goodwill, ambition, or plain inspiration to live on only one side of the chaos - order border. The masculine side is "of course" the chaos, drive and ambition, the feminine side is the order, nurturing, and smelling the roses. We're all a bit bent out of shape in balancing these two sides of ourselves. But nature doesn't care. She's got the bitch in her, and if you think you can defy 3 billion years of her function here on earth, well think again.

Healthy self management in business means equal doses of chaos (aspiration, uncertainty, challenge, conflict, confusion, ambition) mixed, on a daily, even hourly basis with order (appreciation, comfort, peace, agreement, acceptance, certainty, resignation) – this is the only sustainable business model there is, in tune with nature.

Chaos and order are natures hand. You can't even escape them on a mountain top in Nepal. Chaos and order are the cells of your body, fighting disease, curing disease. It's your relationship, confused and then Flash. You can choose to manage yourself in tune with nature by injecting equal quantities of both into your day, or be at the mercy of nature choices for you. Either way, there really is no choice.

My final word is to consider this. Once, to go to work - be in chaos all week and then order all weekend, what a good balance. The cost what eventual biological breakdown in old age. But now, in our more evolved world with technology advancing at the speed of light, this clumsy concept of work/play is absolutely unacceptable. Even the idea of meditation in the morning and chaos all day is unacceptable and too extreme.

Today, self management needs a more "in the moment" way of balancing chaos and order. Even technologies such as mini ipods allow US to transport ourselves into order during chaotic circumstance. But the real future of chaos/order balance lies in the mind. The ability to choose the balance in the hour to blend chaos and order is one of the greatest spiritual powers given to US all. To aspire yet, appreciate, to be confused yet take time to see the order, to feel the emotion yet, sit back and feel what is beneath it. This is evolution. The future of self management. You can choose it or be shoved into it, the choice is yours, natures model is fixed.

With spirit

Chris Walker Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, to environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the universal laws of nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris?s work and journeys to Nepal, visit


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