Are you in a relationship or think entering a? If so, then how you know whether you are a lasting relationship to build up, or simply a dance, which will end in a disaster. I wrote this article as a kind of checklist for the uninitiated on how to create and sustain, a long, passionate and inspiring total relationship. Better, I think, review the list, as at the end to try to repair the damage. Once that is done, it is extremely difficult.
Here is a test. True or false.
Are you someone it is more likely, that they will remain in a relationship with you. True or false.
In a relationship if someone is critical, angry or verbally abusive should approach them and tell them that it is not in order? True or false.
The secret of romanticism is generously, remembering important dates, with a special someone in a special place. True or false.
Finally, foreplay is the key to great sex life. True or false.
How are you with this? The answers to all of the above are false.
More than 50% of marriages end in divorce. How many couples thoughts that they would end up in a divorce, when they for the first time? It is estimated that 80% of the couples out of love. How could this happen in each of you questions, give you advice about your relationship, for free. Even the taxi driver knows.
And how many people have lived, fulfilled, the happy happy life, until they were informed one day that she had cancer? The truth was that she since had some time but do not know cancer. They knew, they would be known never the damage caused by the cancer and it diagnosis was not raised for a chance by some kind of discomfort, which, until it was too late.
We know what it takes. Not we? We fall in love and go on a honeymoon. We go to Bali, Nepal, Maldives. We have a great time. We come back, we have a wonderful time, but in the course of time, things start to change. Priorities move, begins to empty the bladder, and then start we think of ways, again blast back to the bubble. Make babies and houses to buy.
But what happens to love. What happens to love the thing, us about the drama and confusion and emotion to circumvent the criticisms and expectations rise drove. What happens to love?
Here is my answer. Love is cumulative. It can be non-static. Feel the love that you feel when you first, someone encountered needs the least love. It's like plutonium, from a container leaks. It deteriorated. But how we love grow? Not the trees picking apples grow so to make love, not go on holiday love grows. These are the benefits thereof.
Love, find love, we build must cease to do things. And want things and stop hoping for things to be different. We need regardless of things and love will find again what we want. Daily. And as each new day is dawning that we have more and more reasons that silence to lose. So, as we love every opening day, opening we that love over the top of the challenges. It takes courage, it takes persistence.
At the end of the day, love is as much about hope, because it is about something. If there is hope, love grows. Hope for what? Hope for happiness? True or false.
The real core of human motive is the hope of happiness. True. And dreams are the true causes of human happiness. Dreams of something, unique dreams, individual dreams, emotional dreams, happy dreams, material dreams and strong dreams. Dreams and life long dream baby. When we think, every dream comes true, we feel happy and if we think that the person we make these dreams true, we feel in love.
See the emotional connection between love and dreams and happiness. Lucky for most of us is a dream true, and that is why attention to the other, and dreams are linked together. But what a total farce.
True love can rise not from this search after happiness and pursuit after dreams. True love comes from contentment, peace and the absence of all things emotionally. True love is like the flour in the cake. A dry dusty BREW of tasteless powder, which, if with water (feeling), fruit (actions) heat (passion mix) and get a chance, will rise with air (Romance) something.
I have written a book about love, as precious holds this "meal" that Holy love is love that lasts. It is through the crowds, emotion, passion, and romance. Sacred love is the flour, is our duty, work the ingredients to ensure that the cake can be eaten.
Dreams are the key. This is why I the vision quest for lovers of the book. Romance is a daily activity. Growing through challenge simply means emerges and love is that recognize a lifestyle to that our environment in every way, affects our love.
With spirit and love of life
Christopher Walker
Chris Walker is a leading change agent, an ecologist and author of more than 20 books. Born and raised in Australia, he advises people and organizations around the world on improved relations, health and lifestyle by applying the universal laws of nature. The result, which it offers, is that we stay healthy, to share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success and our personal truth of life. Visit to learn more about the Chris?s work and travel in Nepal
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