Monday, April 16, 2012

Love and Relationships - How You Can Really Make Him Commit to You

Have you any idea on how you can make him commit to your relationship? Have you had enough with casual sex? Are you looking for a great way to start a much more serious relationship? Many women want to find out how you can start a much more serious relationship. If a woman has no idea how to make him commit to your relationship then it can be very difficult for them.

Make sure you're busy

Relationships are two sided and both people need to work hard if there is any chance of making the relationship work. This means that you can't be the only person in your relationship that's putting in the effort to change it. You need to have things to do outside of the relationship and you shouldn't compromise your normal life. Make sure you still go out to see your friends on a regular basis, visit your family, and have dinner with relatives. You don't have to instantly give up your whole life to him as soon as you start dating. This will also make sure that you have something to do should the relationship ever fail.

Don't be desperate

You need to keep yourself busy so that you are not completely available. You need to be unavailable so that you don't appear to be so desperate. If you are always there then you will instantly be able to see him when he wants to, this is not a good basis of a serious relationship. If you are trying to make him commit to you then you must make sure you're not desperate.

Test him out

Sometimes you will date a guy for quite some time and the you'll realize that he still doesn't treat your relationship exclusively then it might be time to decide that he might not be the right man for you. You could be missing out on lots of other great guys by sticking with this one which means you should wait and find out about some of the best offers out there. Once he realizes that you won't always be waiting for him he might change his mind and be more willing to commit to your relationship.

If you take your time and follow these simple steps to make him commit to your relationship then it should be possible to build a truly fantastic relationship that could even result in marriage.

If you are looking for a system to make every man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you, click Unforgettable Woman Advice. If you're ready for a highly effective method that's different from what every else is teaching, click 77 Secrets to Attract and Keep Him Now. You don't want to miss this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.


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