Saturday, June 2, 2012

Love, Sex, Relationships: Book Review - Sexual Palmistry By Nathaniel Altman

This book describes the palmistry analysis techniques for dealing with love, sex, and relationships. Who isn't interested in how one interacts with one's love partner? When looking for a relationship partner, what hand characteristics match your hand sexually to make a fulfilling emotional and sexual relationship? Utilize the information in this book to observe the hands of perspective relationship partners. Don't commit to a relationship partner who has hand characteristics that conflict negatively with your own hand characteristics.

The book Sexual Palmistry covers the following subjects:

Grounding (the starting point in palmistry):

The foundations of Sexual Palmistry
The five types of lover
The fingers
Hand topography I: The mounts
Hand topography II: The lines


The sexual self
Personality traits and sexual expression
Sexual varieties, sexual choices
Compatibility in relationships
How to techniques used in palmistry practice

Practice - how to best benefit from your palmistry practice. Techniques you can use.

The secret to learning, and becoming proficient at palmistry is a lot of practice by reading many hands.

How to begin:

Practice with people you already know well
Verify that what you have read in this book makes sense
Ask questions of the person being read. Sometimes people are not fully aware of their thoughts and actions toward others
Watch people on TV, observe how they hold their hands, hand characteristics. Talk shows work best
Observe people who you interface with in your daily activities
Make a mental note of extreme personalities, while observing their hands

By using the ideas presented in this book, you can get one step ahead in the dating game. Sorting through people who don't have the right palmistry characteristics for you will save you a lot of time and trouble. Before you get all inspired about looking for the perfect relationship mate, you need to do an in-depth analysis of your own hand. By analyzing your own hand, you become aware of what you really need for a match in a love relationship. As you read the book Sexual Palmistry, take notes about what you are reading. Analyze how your hand characteristics match up to what was written in the book. Be honest with yourself.

Utilize the information in this book to do the following:

Keep from repeating the same mistakes in the dating scene
Pick the relationship partner who has the hand characteristics that complement your hands
Avoid relationship partners who are too extreme for your personality makeup
Come to a better understanding why some past relationships were missing key points
Be able to look at a person's hands and realize that what is being told to you doesn't match what you are seeing on their hands. Then know to move on to the next person, not wasting your time on a relationship that probably won't work
Talk is cheap, some people seeking relationships are not fully honest. Hands don't lie, find out what they are really about
Palmistry is a very powerful tool in understanding yourself, and prospective relationship partners

Practice, and more practice will get you the outcome that you desire. Don't make any big decisions about your present, or future, relationships until you become proficient in the art of palmistry. With practice comes confidence. Just remember you can be in control of your relationship destiny!

We do psychic medium readings, and offer classes in psychic development, tarot, palmistry, numerology, meditation, and Reiki. Visit our website if you need more information or have any questions.


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