Attracting a new partner can be exciting for many, but dating often becomes a game of 'how should I act' or 'when should I call'. Within a short period of time, this can cause quite a bit of frustration. Since a relationship is a two way street, it pulls more on our hearts and emotions and has the ability to shape who we become, whether for good or bad. For greater clarity and ease, here are some techniques for attracting the kind of partner you really desire.
First of all, define what you want in a partner. This means looking at all the aspects of what you would like. It might help to make a list of the attributes or qualities you really want. As long as you feel good about what you're asking for, you're on target. However, if what you ask for begins to feel too defined, it is an indication that you have narrowed your desires too much. For example, you might prefer a partner who is medium height with medium to dark hair. You might even want this person be between certain ages, say 40-50 years old. However, if you say "and I want this person's name to be Madonna and sing", although you may meet several people, as you find that none of them are named Madonna and sing, you may start to feel you've been a little too selective. Therefore, define only as far as it feels comfortable.
Create an affirmation or statement that summarizes what you desire. For example: I want a wonderful, loving, healthy relationship with someone who is confident, funny, and shares many of my same interests. This will be extremely important to use if you feel yourself getting off track with what you said you wanted. Your affirmation will be your anchor as you remind yourself what you have asked for and what the Law of Attraction is bringing to you.
Reaffirm and visualize what you desire for 5-10 minutes before going to sleep every night. Really put feeling into your visualization as if what you have asked for has already shown up. Not only can this be fun, but it is a very powerful way of being in alignment and allowing the attraction to take place. Note, however, that this should not feel like a chore. Negative focus will not draw positive results.
Stay focused on what you say you really want. Throughout your day as you think about meeting, contacting, or calling someone, gently reaffirm what you asked for and then release any fear you have. Let the Law of Attraction handle the rest. You will be guided on what to do next. Not only can this strengthen what you asked for, but it takes you out of the way of the manifestation.
Be grateful for those who show up to help you define your desires further. Understand that when you ask for something, you often have to let go of what isn't working in your life in order to have what you've asked for. In other words, if you have a pattern within you that contradicts what you have asked for, it will need to be released in order for your good to come in. Here's an example: You've asked for a wonderful relationship but have a habit of thought that says 'I'm not worthy'. You begin dating but notice that your dates seem needy, have unrealistic expectations, or are not who they portrayed themselves to be. You hoped for cuddly bears, but instead, you keep getting prickly porcupines with issues. Geez!
Although these people seem totally unrelated to what you asked for, take note that every time you attract a person who emphasizes an issue you have (and you'll know this because it stirs up negative emotions in you), use it as an opportunity to more clearly define what you want. Do not allow yourself to move back into thinking you are not deserving. This only further reinforces your habit and will not allow what you have asked for to show up. Do not accept this as proof that the Law doesn't work, rather stay on track and know that the Law is working perfectly.
Be true to who you are and your desires. Do not give up who you are and what you want in order to please potential partners. This is always a bad start to any relationship. If being yourself turns somebody away from you, they weren't meant for you. It's too difficult to be who or what someone else wants you to be. Instead, as you stay true to being yourself, your confidence grows. There is such freedom in being in a relationship where you are loved for who you are. Give thanks and reaffirm that this is where you are heading.
And lastly, give thanks for every aspect of your desired relationship that shows up. If your date has some aspect or quality that you asked for, give thanks regardless of whether you continue to date that person or not. Really milk this part of the process. It is the recognition of any and all aspects of what is working that draws more to you.
Love is supposed to be fun and it can be when we intentionally use the Law of Attraction and allow what we desire to show up for us. Let go of the struggle. Release! Have fun and let the Law of Attraction bring you the loving, happy relationship you desire.
Ruth Burton is a Personal Coach, business owner and writer whose life experience inspired within her a passion for assisting others towards having and doing what they really desire through the intentional use of the Law of Attraction. If you enjoyed this article and are interested in future articles, visit
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